Class OAuthBearerValidatorCallbackHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • OAuthBearerValidatorCallbackHandler

        public OAuthBearerValidatorCallbackHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • configure

        public void configure​(Map<String,​?> configs,
                              String saslMechanism,
                              List<AppConfigurationEntry> jaasConfigEntries)
        Description copied from interface: AuthenticateCallbackHandler
        Configures this callback handler for the specified SASL mechanism.
        Specified by:
        configure in interface AuthenticateCallbackHandler
        configs - Key-value pairs containing the parsed configuration options of the client or broker. Note that these are the Kafka configuration options and not the JAAS configuration options. JAAS config options may be obtained from `jaasConfigEntries` for callbacks which obtain some configs from the JAAS configuration. For configs that may be specified as both Kafka config as well as JAAS config (e.g., the configuration is treated as invalid if conflicting values are provided.
        saslMechanism - Negotiated SASL mechanism. For clients, this is the SASL mechanism configured for the client. For brokers, this is the mechanism negotiated with the client and is one of the mechanisms enabled on the broker.
        jaasConfigEntries - JAAS configuration entries from the JAAS login context. This list contains a single entry for clients and may contain more than one entry for brokers if multiple mechanisms are enabled on a listener using static JAAS configuration where there is no mapping between mechanisms and login module entries. In this case, callback handlers can use the login module in `jaasConfigEntries` to identify the entry corresponding to `saslMechanism`. Alternatively, dynamic JAAS configuration option SaslConfigs.SASL_JAAS_CONFIG may be configured on brokers with listener and mechanism prefix, in which case only the configuration entry corresponding to `saslMechanism` will be provided in `jaasConfigEntries`.
      • init

        public void init​( verificationKeyResolver,