The EPIC Images Screen

Clicking the Next button in the EPIC Workspace screen (see The EPIC Workspace Screen) opens the EPIC Images screen, which allows you to specify additional configuration options.

This screen allows you to:


When you have finished mapping container images to roles, click Next to proceed to the EPIC Build screen. See The EPIC Build Screen.

App Assets

The App Assets section at the top of the screen allows you to manage the following application assets:

  • App Config Path: Click this button to navigate to and select the directory within the workspace that contains all of the application scripts.
  • Documentation File: Add any documentation you are including with this application in Markdown (.md) format.
  • Logo File: You may to upload a logo image that will appear in the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise App Store screens. You may upload either:
    • PNG: 400x200 pixels.
    • JPG: File size must be equal to or less than 512 KB.

Adding a New Image

To add a new container image and map that image to a role:

  1. Check the appropriate Image radio button to determine the location of a source container image to use for the application you are creating.
    • Registry: Checking this radio button means that the source container image is stored in a registry, such as
    • Build: Checking this radio button means that the source container image will be sourced locally. Selecting this option exposes the Directory field and Browse button. Either use the Browse button to navigate to the location of the source image, or enter the complete path in the field.
  2. Provide the image repository information in the Image Repo-tag field, in the format:

  3. Use the OS Type pull-down menu to specify the container image OS (CentOS, RHEL, or Ubuntu).
  4. If content trust is enabled on the container image, then check the Content Trust checkbox.
  5. If the container image registry requires authentication, then check the Authentication checkbox.
  6. Use the Roles radio buttons to select the role(s) for which this container image applies.
    • All Unassigned: Checking this radio button assigns this container image to all roles that do not have another image specified.
    • Selected: Checking this radio button and then selecting one or more role(s) using the pull-down menu assigns this container image to the specified role(s). Checking a checkbox next to a role name assigns the image to that role; clearing a checkbox unassigns that image from the role.
  7. Click Add to finish adding the image.

You may now:

Viewing Images

The table at the bottom of the EPIC Images screen appears when you have defined at least one image/role mapping for this application. This table displays the following information for each image/role mapping:

  • Repo Tag: Repo tag of the image/role mapping.
  • Directory: If the container image is sourced locally, this is the path to that image.
  • Roles: Role(s) to which this container image has been mapped.
  • OS Type: Container image operating system.
  • Edit: Clicking the Edit icon (pencil) for a service allows you to edit that role. See Editing an Existing Role.
  • Delete: Clicking the Delete icon (X) for a service removes that role. See Removing a Role.

Editing an Existing Image

To edit an existing image/role mapping:

  1. In the table at the bottom of the EPIC Images screen, click the Edit icon (pencil) for the image/role mapping you want to edit.
  2. The top of this section populates with the current information for the selected image/role mapping.
  3. Make your desired changes. See Adding a New Image for information on what to place in the fields.
  4. Either:
    • Click Add to save your changes as a new image/role mapping.
    • Click Update to save your changes to the existing image/role mapping.
    • Click Reset to cancel your changes without modifying the image/role mapping.

Removing an Image

To remove an image/role mapping, click the Delete icon (X) for the mapping you want to remove in the table at the bottom of the EPIC Images screen.