Post Upgrade Tasks

This article describes the post upgrade tasks of HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise

Configure and Add GPU Hosts

Configure the hosts that contain GPUs and add them to configuration:

  1. (Optional) Install Falco Kernel Modules.

    If you did not install Falco Kernel Modules on the GPU hosts you removed from HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise before the upgrade, you can install them before you add the host to the configuration. See (Optional) Installing Falco Kernel Modules on Hosts.

  2. Update the NVIDIA drivers and, if applicable, configure MIG. Then add the hosts to the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise and to the Kubernetes cluster.

    In Deploying MIG Support, Follow the instructions for hosts that have not yet been added to HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise.

Update Kubernetes Dashboard

After upgrading HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise from version 5.4.0 to 5.4.1, you must update the Kubernetes dashboard.

Follow the steps described in EZESC-1370 on Issues and Workarounds.