Creating C Apps - Binary Tables

Data Fabric provides a library of C APIs – libMapRClient – for performing operations on HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database binary tables.

The HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database libMapRClient C API library is Data Fabric's extension of the libhbase C API library. The libMapRClient header files are in this directory: /opt/mapr/include/hbase

libMapRClient uses the following conventions:

  • All data types are prefixed with 'hb_'.
  • All exported functions are annotated with HBASE_API, prefixed with 'hb_' and named using the following convention: 'hb_<subject>_<operation>_[<object>|<property>]'
  • All asynchronous APIs take a callback which is triggered when a request completes. This callback can be triggered in the caller's thread or in another thread. To avoid any potential deadlock or starvation, applications should not block in the callback routine.
  • All callbacks take a void pointer for application developers to supply their own data. This void pointer is passed when callback is triggered.
No explicit batching is supported for asynchronous APIs.
It is the responsibility of applications to free up all backing data buffers. However, for asynchronous APIs, applications must wait before freeing buffers until after receiving callbacks or manipulating results. For better performance of asynchronous APIs, libMapRClient does not copy data buffers that are allocated for mutations, gets, and scans. These buffers hold table names, name space identifiers, row keys, column-family names, and column names or qualifiers. Instead, libMaprClient temporarily takes ownership of the buffers and references them with pointers until the callback is triggered. Therefore, applications should not free memory buffers before receiving callbacks for mutations. Applications also should not free memory buffers before receiving results for gets and scans. If applications must read results, the applications should not free memory buffers until the results are destroyed.

When one of these asynchronous APIs is invoked, a work item is created and queued for processing on the client:
  • hb_client_destroy()
  • hb_get_send()
  • hb_mutation_send()
  • hb_scanner_destroy()
  • hb_scanner_next()
The work item is picked up as soon as possible by a thread in a thread pool.

Client applications can often call these asynchronous APIs faster than the work items are processed. To ensure that the queue of work items does not grow without bound, the configuration parameter fs.mapr.pool.queue.max_size is set by default to 10,000. You can modify this parameter in the /opt/mapr/conf/dbclient.conf file for a client.

Whenever the number of work items in the queue reaches this limit, libMapRClient returns the ENOBUFS error for each asynchronous call. Client applications are expected to handle this error, and can try the call again later.