Adding a Role

Describes how to add various roles to a Data Fabric node.

About this task

Do not use these steps to add the CLDB or ZooKeeper role.
When Collectd is installed on a node with YARN ResourceManager or NodeManager, running -R, to add or remove roles on the node, triggers these services to restart. During a restart, the NodeManager and ResourceManager are temporarily unavailable for new application submission. A patch is available to resolve this behavior. See Applying Patches.
The following steps describe how to add a role to a node:


  1. Install the package corresponding to the new role using apt-get, yum, or zypper, depending on your platform. For more information, see Data Fabric Repositories and Packages.
  2. Run -R on the node where you added the role.
    If Warden is running, the new service starts automatically.
  3. If you added the File server role, run disksetup to format and prepare disks for use as storage.
  4. Issue the following command to restart Warden on the node where you installed the role:
    % service mapr-warden restart