Log Collection

Fluentd collects log events from each node in the cluster and stores them in a centralized location so that administrators can search the logs when troubleshooting issues in the cluster. The process that fluentd uses to parse and send log events to Elasticsearch differs based on the formatting of log events in each log file.

Fluentd uses one or both of the following mechanisms to parse logs:
multi-line matching
Using the log time stamp as a delimiter, multi-line matching uses the tail plugin to read logs and determine the end of a log event. Each log event is sent to Elasticsearch when the next log event is written to the log file. This mechanism is often used when each log event starts with a timestamp and then includes a stack trace.
multi-pattern matching
Multi-pattern matching uses the grok plugin to parse logs events using complex expressions. This mechanism is often used to parse logs events that have non-uniform log formatting.
Before Fluentd sends the log entries to Elasticsearch, Fluentd assigns the following columns to each log event:
Tag Description
level The message level of the log entry. For example, info, warning, or error.
class Java or C++ process name associated with the log entry.
message The log message.
event_time The time, with millisecond precision, when the log entry was written to the log file.
service_name The name of the service that generated the log entry.
@timestamp The time, with second precision, when fluentd read the message.
fqdn The node on which the log entry was written.
clusterid The clusterid of the cluster on which the log was written.
The log event contents differs based on the service that logs it and the type of log. Therefore, the log events sent to Elasticsearch may include empty columns.

For more information about Elasticsearch, see the Elasticsearch website.