Copying From a Snapshot Using the CLI

Describes how to create a volume by copying data from a snapshot

A snapshot must be restored into a volume to access the database tables or streams contained in the snapshot. Copying of data from tables or streams contained in a snapshot with Linux commands is not supported.
Copying data from a snapshot involves a simple copy operation from the .snapshot directory to the destination, as in the following example. User input is marked in bold:
This example assumes that the file system is mounted on /mapr using FUSE as explained in Mounting the Filesystem.
[user@host]$ maprcli volume snapshot create -snapshotname uservolsnap -volume users
[user@host]$ maprcli volume snapshot list
snapshotid  sharedSize  volumename  ownername  cumulativeReclaimSizeMB  numSizeUpdates  snapshotname  enforcementMode      ownedsize  sizeUpdateRequestedAt         ownertype  numSizeUpdatesDesired  volumeid  creationtime                  volumepath  volumeSnapshotAces
256000049   0           users       mapr       0                        0               uservolsnap   PolicyAceAndDataAce  0          Mon Jun 14 05:44:11 UTC 2021  1          1                      77144951  Mon Jun 14 05:44:11 UTC 2021  /user       ...

[user@host]$ ls -l /mapr/
total 1
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr 2 Jun 13 14:34 mapr

[user@host]$ ls -l /mapr/
total 1
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr 2 Jun 13 14:37 uservolsnap

[user@host]$ cp /mapr/* /mapr/