Accessing the Keycloak Administration Console

Describes how to start the Keycloak administration console so you can manage Keycloak and your SSO users.

If a new cluster has been created, you can access the Keycloak administration console by using these steps:
  1. In a browser, specify the URL for the host that is running the WebServer. For example:
    If the cluster was upgraded from release 7.6.0 or a previous release, append the port (:6443) to the URL. Newer deployments use port 443, which does not need to be appended because it is the default HTTPS port.
  2. Click Administration Console:

    The Sign In page is displayed:
  3. Sign in using the default credentials:

    Username: admin

    Password: p@ssw0rd

HPE recommends that you change the password for the admin user soon after sign in. See Changing the Keycloak admin Password.