8. Restart All Nodes

To restart all nodes in the cluster, stop each node, configure the node with the new CLDB and ZooKeeper addresses, and start the node.

Complete the following steps on each node in the cluster:
  1. Stop the node.
    1. Change to the root user (or use sudo for the following commands).
    2. Stop the Warden:
      service mapr-warden stop
  2. Configure all the nodes with the new CLDB and ZooKeeper addresses.

    The script configure.sh configures a node to be part of a HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster, or modifies services running on an existing node in the cluster. You must run this script to configure a node. The script creates (or updates) configuration files related to the cluster and the services running on the node.

    Before you run configure.sh, make sure you have the hostname of the CLDB node and the hostnames of the ZooKeeper nodes. You can, optionally, specify the ports for the CLDB and ZooKeeper nodes as well. The default ports are:
    Service Default Port #
    CLDB 7222
    ZooKeeper 5181
    The script configure.sh takes an optional cluster name and log file, the CLDB hostname, and comma-separated list of ZooKeeper host names or IP addresses (and optionally ports), using the following syntax:
    /opt/mapr/server/configure.sh -C <host>[:<port>] -Z <host>[:<port>][,<host>[:<port>]...] [-L <logfile>][-N <cluster name>]
    Each time you specify the -Z <host>[:<port>] option, you must use the same order for the ZooKeeper node list. If you change the order for any node, the ZooKeeper leader election process will fail.


    /opt/mapr/server/configure.sh -C r1n1.sj.us:7222 -Z r1n1.sj.us:5181,r2n1.sj.us:5181,r3n1.sj.us:5181,r4n1.sj.us:5181,r5n1.sj.us:5181 -N MyCluster
  3. Start Warden.
    service mapr-warden start