Setting Quota Defaults for Users and Groups

Explains how to set disk space quotas for users and groups.

About this task

Quotas limit the disk space used by a volume or an entity (user or group) on a licensed cluster, by specifying the amount of disk space the volume or entity is allowed to use. A volume quota limits the space used by a volume. A user or group quota limits the space used by all volumes owned by a user or group. These quotas work on tenant volumes as well.

You can set hard quota and advisory quota defaults for users and groups. When a user or group is created, the default quota and advisory quota apply unless overridden by specific quotas. You can set an entity quota that differs from the default using the entity modify command or through the Control System.

The size of a disk space quota is expressed in terms of the actual data stored from the user's point of view. Only post-compression data blocks are counted. Snapshot and replica space do not count against quotas. For example, a 10G file that is compressed to 8G and has a replication factor of 3 consumes 24G (3*8G), but charges only 8G to the user or volume quota.

You can set an entity quota through the Control System and by using the CLI.

Setting Quotas Using the Control System

About this task

Complete the following steps to set the entity quota in the Control System:


  1. Go to Admin > Cluster Settings > Quotas.
  2. Set the advisory and hard quotas for the:
    • User under USER QUOTA.
    • Group under GROUP QUOTA.
    A hard quota prevents writes above the specified threshold. An advisory quota does not enforce disk usage limit, but raises an alarm when the specified threshold is exceeded:
    • AE_ALARM_AEADVISORY_QUOTA_EXCEEDED - an entity exceeded its advisory quota
    • VOLUME_ALARM_ADVISORY_QUOTA_EXCEEDED - a volume exceeded its advisory quota

    In most cases, it is useful to set the advisory quota a little lower than the hard quota, to give advance warning that disk usage is approaching the allowed limit.

  3. Set the cluster reserve limit, which is the amount of disk space that you wish to allocate for all volumes on the cluster.
    When you set a reserve limit, you provision a certain amount of space to the volumes as a percentage of the cluster capacity. This allows you to free up space that could potentially be unused, or allocate more space for replication.

    As data is written to the volume, available space is automatically allocated. The volume reserve increases up to the reserve limit you set here.

  4. After setting the quota, click Save to save the settings.

Setting Entity Quotas Using the CLI or the REST API

About this task

To set an entity (user or group) quota, run the following command:

maprcli entity modify -name <entityname> -advisoryquota <advisory quota> -quota <quota>

To manage quotas, you must have a or fc permissions.

Quotas are expressed as an integer value plus a single letter to represent the unit:

  • B - bytes
  • K - kilobytes
  • M - megabytes
  • G - gigabytes
  • T - terabytes
  • P - petabytes

Example: 500G specifies a 500-gigabyte quota. Do not use two-letter abbreviations (for example, MB or GB) for units.

For complete reference information, see the entity modify command.

Setting the Cluster Reserve Limit Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

To set the resource usage limit for the cluster disk resource, run the following command:

maprcli rlimit set -resource disk -cluster <cluster name> -value <limit>

For complete reference information, see the rlimit set command.