Verifying the Cluster Installation Status

You can use the command line or the Control System to verify the status of your installation.

Using the CLI to Check the Cluster Installation Status

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

  2. Use the following command to list the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric services:

    maprcli service list
      logpath                                              displayname         name         state
      /opt/mapr/hbase/hbase-1.4.12/logs                    HBaseRestServer     hbaserest    0  
      /opt/mapr/hbase/hbase-1.4.12/logs                    HBaseThriftServer   hbasethrift  0
      /opt/mapr/logs/mfs.log                               FileServer          fileserver   0
      /opt/mapr/grafana/grafana-6.7.4/var/log/grafana      Grafana             grafana      0
      /opt/mapr/logs/cldb.log                              CLDB                cldb         0
      /opt/mapr/logs/mastgateway.log                       MASTGatewayService  mastgateway  0
      /opt/mapr/opentsdb/opentsdb-2.4.0/var/log/opentsdb   OpenTsdb            opentsdb     0
      /opt/mapr/logs/gateway.log                           GatewayService      gateway      0
      /opt/mapr/logs/hoststats.log                         HostStats           hoststats    0
      /opt/mapr/collectd/collectd-5.10.0/var/log/collectd  CollectD            collectd     0
      /opt/mapr/apiserver/logs/apiserver.log               APIServer           apiserver    0 
    maprcli license list
    maprcli disk list -host <name or IP address>
  3. Restart Warden on all remaining nodes using the following command:

    service mapr-warden restart

    Warden is then responsible for starting the rest of the services configured on each node.

Using the Control System to Check the Cluster Installation Status

  1. Log in to the Control System using the host name of the node where you installed the mapr-webserver. For more information, see Setting Up the Control System.

    Because monitoring has not been installed yet and the Control System relies on monitoring for metrics collection, some Control System functions will not be available. You can still use the Control System to check the cluster services.
  2. Click the Nodes tab to verify that all nodes are present and healthy (no alarms are present).

  3. Click the Services tab to check for any stopped or failed services.