Installing Ranger Using the Installer

Using the web-based Installer, you can install Apache Ranger and the Apache Ranger Hive plugin on the cluster.

Only Installer or later can be used to install Ranger. You can install Ranger during a new or incremental installation of release 7.1.0 or later. The following options appear on the Version & Services page of the Installer:
  • Apache Ranger (2.3.0)
  • Apache Ranger Hive plugin (2.3.0)
The Installer can set up the prerequisite external database and install the Ranger packages, but some configuration steps must be completed after using the Installer.
To install Ranger using the Installer:
  1. Set up and run Installer or later as described in Installer.
  2. On the Version & Services page, select both Apache Ranger options.
  3. After completing the installation using the Installer, perform the steps in Getting Started with Ranger to finish Ranger configuration.