Installing KSQL

This topic describes how to use package managers to download and install KSQL from the EEP repository.

You cannot upgrade from KSQL 4.1.1. You must uninstall version 4.1.1 and then install the newer version of KSQL.

Preparing for Installation

KSQL is included in EEP repositories beginning with EEP 6.0.0. To set up the EEP repository, see Step 11: Install Ecosystem Components Manually.

The default KSQL configuration parameters are stored in /opt/mapr/ksql/ksql-<version>/etc/ksql.

KSQL Operational Modes

To install KSQL, you can use the Installer or the manual steps on this page. KSQL can be used in one of two modes:
Mode Description
Interactive Mode This mode is non-secure and allows developers to write KSQL queries interactively using the KSQL CLI.
Non-interactive Mode This mode is more secure than the Interactive mode and is designed for KSQL query production deployment. Since the queries are known ahead of time, you can run non-interactive queries with more restrictive permissions.

The installation steps are the same for both modes. Run the following commands as root or using sudo.

Install KSQL in Interactive or Non-interactive Mode

You can install the mapr-ksql package on as many or as few nodes as you want. Installing on multiple nodes can increase availability of the service. Use these steps:
  1. Install the mapr-ksql package:

    On Ubuntu:

    apt-get install mapr-ksql

    On RedHat/ CentOS:

    yum install mapr-ksql

    On SLES:

    zypper install mapr-ksql
  2. On each node where you installed the package, run
    sudo /opt/mapr/server/ -R

Verify KSQL Installation

To confirm successful installation:
  • Check for the presence of the KSQL home folder at /opt/mapr/ksql/ksql-<version>.
  • Perform a test run:
    1. Start the KSQL server:
      maprcli node services -nodes <hostname> -name ksql -action restart
    2. Verify that KSQL is running by making a call to http://localhost:8084/info. For example:
      curl http://localhost:8084/info
    The expected response is:

Configure KSQL

To configure KSQL, see KSQL Configuration.