Preparing to Run

Before you run, collect the information that you need to run the script based on your requirements.

The script can configure a node for the first time or update existing node configurations. Therefore, it has many configuration options that you can use.
  • Note the hostnames of the CLDB and ZooKeeper nodes. Optionally, you can specify the ports for the CLDB and ZooKeeper nodes as well. The default CLDB port is 7222. The default ZooKeeper port is 5181.
  • If a node in the cluster runs the HistoryServer, note the hostname for the HistoryServer. The HistoryServer node must be specified by using the -HS parameter.
  • If one or more nodes in the cluster runs the ResourceManager, note the hostname or IP address for each ResourceManager node. Based on the version you install and your ResourceManager high availability requirements, you may need to specify the ResourceManager nodes using the -RM parameter. High availability for the ResourceManager is configured by default and does not need to be specified.
  • If mapr-fileserver is installed on a node, you can use with the -F option to format the disks and set up partitions. The -F option allows you to create a text file that lists the disks and partitions for use by the file system on the node. passes the file to the disksetup utility. Each line lists either a single disk or all applicable partitions on a single disk. When listing multiple partitions on a line, separate each partition with a space. For example:
    /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdc4

    Or you can manually run disksetup after you run See Configuring Storage.

  • For a cluster node that is on a VM, use the --isvm parameter when you run, so that the script uses less memory.