Installer Stanza Commands

This topic provides the syntax and options for Installer Stanza commands.

Command Usage

To use Installer Stanza commands, you must log in as the cluster administrator user that you configured while running the script. For more information, see Managing Users and Groups.


Use the check command to verify that the nodes specified in the Stanza file are ready to be installed. For more information, see Verifying the Stanza File.

check [-h]
     [--overrides [OVERRIDES [OVERRIDES …]]]
     [--no_check_certificate][--url URL]
     [--force][--verbose] --template TEMPLATE
You can use the export command to discover a currently installed cluster and generate a Stanza file that captures the configuration, the groups, and the hosts for the cluster. You can then modify the Stanza file to install other clusters. For more information, see Exporting a Cluster Configuration.
The Stanza file generated by the export command does not contain the ssh_password or ssh_key_file values. You need to add those values manually or provide them on the command line by using an override.
export [-h] 
     [--overrides [OVERRIDES [OVERRIDES ...]]]
     [--no_check_certificate] [--url URL]
     [--file FILE]

The import command prepares the installer database using the template generated by the probe command. You must specify a template (YAML file) to use the import command. For more information, see Using probe and import to Generate the Installer Database.

import [-h][--no_check_certificate][--url URL][--verbose]
        --template TEMPLATE

You can use the install command to perform a fresh install, an incremental install, or an upgrade. For more information, see Installing or Upgrading Core Using an Installer Stanza.

install [-h]
     [--overrides [OVERRIDES [OVERRIDES …]]]
     [--no_check_certificate][--url URL]
     [--force][--verbose] --template TEMPLATE

Use the license command to add a license from a license file. For more information, see Adding a License Using Stanzas.

license [-h]
      [--no_check_certificate][--url URL]
      --license LICENSE <license-file>

You can use the list command to display information about the configuration, services, groups, and hosts that are present in the Installer database. For more information, see Getting Information About Services and Groups.

list [-h]
    {config,groups,hosts,hosts_install_status,installed,services} ...

The probe command generates a template file that can be used to create an installer database on a cluster that doesn’t have one. A cluster must have an installer database in order for you to use Installer Stanzas on the cluster. If the installer database is not present, you can use the probe command followed by the import command to generate one. For more information, see Using probe and import to Generate the Installer Database.

probe [-h]
      [--no_check_certificate][--url URL]
      [--force][--verbose] --template TEMPLATE
      [--overrides [OVERRIDES [OVERRIDES …]][--verbose]]

The reset command uninstalls the metadata from the installer database. For more information, see Resetting the Installer Database.

reset [-h] [--overrides [OVERRIDES [OVERRIDES ...]]]
      [--no_check_certificate] [--url URL]
      [--force] [--verbose]

The shutdown command shuts down the cluster. For more information, see Shutting Down a Cluster Using an Installer Stanza Command.

shutdown [-h] [--overrides [OVERRIDES [OVERRIDES ...]]]
      [--no_check_certificate] [--url URL]
      [--force] [--verbose]

The uninstall command removes Data Fabric software. For more information, see Uninstalling Core Using an Installer Stanza.

uninstall [-h]
      [--overrides [OVERRIDES [OVERRIDES ...]]]
      [--no_check_certificate] [--url URL]
      [--force] [--verbose]

Command Options

All of the following command options are optional except for the TEMPLATE option:

Option Description
-h or --help Show this help message and exit.
-o [OVERRIDES[OVERRIDES …]] or --overrides[OVERRIDES[OVERRIDES …]]x = y list of overrides or - for stdin Use the specification provided on the command line instead of the Stanza file instructions. Overrides are typically used when you want to specify a host name, user ID, password, or key file on the command line.

The key=value pair or pairs specified in a Stanza override must not include blank spaces. For example, do not use this command:

./mapr-installer-cli probe -o config.hosts='["host1", "host2", "host3"]' .....

Use this command instead:

./mapr-installer-cli probe -o config.hosts='["host1","host2","host3"]' .....

In the second command, config.hosts is the key, and '["host1","host2","host3"]' is the value. An override can specify multiple key=value pairs with each pair separated by a space:

-o <key1=value1> <key2=value2> <key3=value3>
-n or --no_check_certificate Do not verify SSL certifications.
-u URL or --url URL Installer URL (user:password@host:port)
--file FILE The export file path.
-f or --force Force action. This option eliminates user input and answers yes to all questions returned by the software.
-v or --verbose Verbose output.
-t TEMPLATE or --template TEMPLATE The specified Stanza template file (required for the install and import commands). The template file can be a local file on the installer node, or it can be a remotely accessible URL.

Command Line Help

You can access online help at the command line using any of these commands:

Command This command displays...
./bin/mapr-installer-cli -h Top-level help for the installer
./bin/mapr-installer-cli <cmd> -h where <cmd> is one of the following:
  • check
  • export
  • import
  • install
  • license
  • list
  • probe
  • reset
  • uninstall
Help for the specified command