Special Considerations for Control System Patches

Patches for the Control System are handled differently from patches for cluster data nodes and CLDB nodes.

The Control System software is updated as a package rather than a patch file. While core patches typically include a prefix such as mapr-patch or mapr-patch-client, or mapr-patch-posix-client-basic, Control System software is updated as a new package and does not use the core patch mechanism.

To identify a Control System patch package, look for mapr-apiserver or mapr-webserver in the package name, and use these steps to update your currently installed packages:

  1. Stop the apiserver service on all Control System nodes:
    $ maprcli node services -filter [csvc==apiserver] -name apiserver -action stop
  2. Upgrade the existing mapr-apiserver and mapr-webserver packages. For example:
    • On RedHat or SLES:
      $ rpm -Uvh <path to new mapr-apiserver>
      $ rpm -Uvh <path to new mapr-webserver>
    • On Ubuntu:
      $ dpkg -i <path to new mapr-apiserver>
      $ dpkg -i <path to new mapr-webserver>
  3. Run configure.sh to update the configuration for the new packages:
    $ /opt/mapr/server/configure.sh -R --noRecalcMem
  4. Start the apiserver service on all Control System nodes:
    $ maprcli node services -filter [csvc==apiserver] -name apiserver -action start