Configuring Static and Dynamic Provisioning Using Container Storage Interface (CSI) Storage Plugin

About this task

This page summarizes the high-level steps for configuring the Container Storage Interface (CSI) Storage Plugin after installation to provide static or dynamic provisioning. To learn more about static and dynamic provisioning, see Static and Dynamic Volume Provisioning Using Container Storage Interface (CSI) Storage Plugin.

Static Provisioning


  1. Create the ticket secret and deploy the secret in the Pod only if the volume is on a secure cluster.
    See Configuring a Secret for more information.
  2. Configure a PersistentVolume in your Pod spec or as part of a separate configuration file and provide information about the volume.
  3. Configure a PersistentVolumeClaim in your Pod spec or as part of a separate configuration file.
  4. Run the Pod spec using kubectl commands.

Dynamic Provisioning


  1. Create the REST and ticket secrets and deploy the secrets in the Pod only if the volume is on a secure cluster.
    See Configuring a Secret for more information.
  2. Create a storage class in your Pod spec or in a separate configuration file.
  3. Configure a PersistentVolumeClaim in your Pod spec or in a separate configuration file.
  4. Run the Pod spec using kubectl commands.