Adding Stream Replicas

You can create stream replicas using the Control System and the CLI. When you add a replica using the Control System, you can also set up and start replication between a source and replica stream.

About this task

  • You must replicate all of the topics that are in a stream. You cannot select only a subset of topics to replicate.
  • The maximum number of replicas that a stream can replicate to is 64.
  • The maximum number of upstream sources that a replica can accept data from is 64.
  • In
    • Multi-master replication, names of topics must be unique on all streams. Messages are assigned sequential offsets. The offsets for messages in a topic in one copy could conflict with the offsets for messages in the other copy. As a result, messages could be lost.
    • Many-to-one replication, topics with the same name should not be replicated to an aggregate replica.

Adding a Replica Using the Control System

About this task

To add a replica using the Control System:


  1. Log in to the Control System and go to the Replication tab in the Viewing Stream Information.
  2. Click Add Replica.
    The Add Replica page displays.
  3. Specify the following settings.
    Path to Source Stream The path and name of the stream that you want to create a replica for.
    Destination Cluster The destination cluster for the replica, where gateways are configured to allow source cluster to send updates.
    Path to Replica The path and name of the replica stream.
    Replication State Specify whether or not to start replication by choosing one of the following:
    • Automatic Setup — Creates the stream on the destination cluster, registers the stream on the destination cluster as a replica, adds the current stream as an upstream source, copies the content of the current stream into the replica, and starts replication. In this case, the replica stream starts empty and accumulates messages over time.
    • Pause Replication — Creates the stream on the destination cluster, registers the stream on the destination cluster as a replica, adds the current stream as an upstream source, but prevents replication from immediately starting after. Pausing replica like this allows you to load the data into the replica from the current stream, after which you can restart replication.
    If you are interested only in the messages that are published to the source stream after replication starts, then you do not need to pause replication initially. However, if you want the full set of messages from the source stream that have not yet been purged or marked for deletion, then pause replication initially.
    Multi-Master Setup (Available only with Automatic Setup) Multi-master topology, in which there are two primary-secondary relationships, with each stream playing both the primary and secondary roles. Client applications update both streams and each stream replicates updates to the other.

    If this is not selected, stream replication will be basic primary-secondary topology. In this topology, you replicate in one direction.

    See Stream Replication for more information.

  4. Select values for the following optional settings.
    Throttle Specifies whether (Yes) or not (No) to throttle replication operations. Throttle the replication stream to minimize the impact of the replication process on incoming operations during periods of heavy load. By default, throttling is disabled.
    Throttling has two effects, both of which allow HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams to use more system resources to process new messages:
    • Throttling slows down the rate at which changes to a stream are replicated.
    • Throttling slows down the rate at which messages to be replicated are read from disk.
    Replicate Synchronously Specifies whether replication is synchronous (Yes) or asynchronous (No). The default value is asynchronous replication.
    Encrypt On Wire Specifies whether (Yes) or not (No) to enable on-wire encryption. By default, this is disabled (No). If you enable on-wire encryption, the local cluster and any other cluster that is part of the replication process must be enabled for security.
    Compress On Wire Specifies the type of compression to use when replicating messages.
  5. Click Add Replica to create the replica.

Adding a Replica Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

The basic command to create a replica is:

maprcli stream replica add -path <stream path> -replica <remote stream path>
To run this command, your user ID must have the following permissions on the:
For complete reference, see stream replica add.
You also have the option to set up replication with maprcli table replica autosetup which will set up and start replication. For more information, see Setting Up Stream Replication Using the CLI.