Viewing the list of Nodes

Explains how to view the list of Nodes using either the Control System or the CLI.

Viewing the list of Nodes on the Control System

About this task


Log in to the Control System and click Nodes.
The Nodes page is not available in the Kubernetes version of the Control System.
The page contains the following panes:
Node Health Displays each node’s health.
Active Alarms Displays active alerts for nodes in the cluster.
Current Resource Utilization Plots the current CPU and memory utilization for each node as a graph. This helps visualize the nodes that utilize the most CPU and memory.
Nodes Displays all the nodes in the cluster.
For each node in the cluster, the Nodes pane displays the following:
Column Name Column Description
Health The health of the node. Value can be:
  • — Healthy
  • — Degraded
  • — Critical
  • — Maintenance
Hostname The hostname of the node.
Physical IPs The physical IP address or addresses associated with the node.
Last FS Heartbeat The time since the node's last heartbeat to the CLDB.
Memory Utilized The amount of memory used by the node.
Memory Total The total amount of memory on the node.
CPU Utilized The CPU usage metric for the node.
Disk Utilized The amount of disk space utilized on the node.
Total Disk Space The total amount of disk space on the node.
Physical Topology The rack path to the node.
Running Services The number of services running on the node.
Selecting the checkbox beside a node makes the following buttons available:

Retrieving the list of Nodes Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

The basic command to view all the nodes on a cluster is:

maprcli node list -cluster <cluster>

For complete reference information, see node list.