Starting the Services

Explains how to start services using either the Control System, the CLI or the REST API.

About this task

You can start one or more services using the Control System or the CLI if the service is not disabled. If the service is disabled, you must enable the service first, in order to start the service. See Enabling and Disabling a Service Using the CLI and REST API for more information.

Starting the Services Running on the Nodes Using the Control System

About this task

To start the services running on the nodes:


  1. Log in to the Control System and click Nodes to display the Nodes page.
    The Nodes page is not available on the Kubernetes version of the Control System.
  2. Select the nodes from the list of nodes in the Nodes pane and click Manage Services to display the Manage Services window.
  3. Choose the Start radio button for the services you wish to start on the selected nodes and click Save.

Starting the Services Running on a Node Using the Control System

About this task

To start one or more services running on a node:


  1. Go to the Summary tab in the node information page.
  2. Select the services to start in the Services pane.
  3. Click Start Services.
    The Start Services confirmation dialog displays.
  4. Verify the list of services to start and click Start Service.

Starting the Services on the Cluster Using the Control System


  1. Log in to the Control System and click Services to display the list of services on the cluster.
  2. On the non-Kubernetes version of the Control System, click for the service to start.
    The Start Service confirmation dialog displays.
  3. Verify the list of nodes on which to start the service and click Start Service.

Starting a Service Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

The basic command to start a service on a node is:

maprcli node services -nodes <node name> -name <service> -action start

For complete reference information, see node services.