Viewing Drill Information

Explains how to view Drill information using the Control System.

Viewing Drill Information Using the Control System


  1. Log in to the Control System and click Services.
    The Services page is not available on the Kubernetes version of the Control System.
  2. Click Drill in the Services pane.
    The Drill information page displays the following:
    The Summary tab displays the following panes:
    Information Displays the number of Drillbits and the number of completed and in-progress queries.
    Resource Utilization The percentage of CPU, memory, and disk space utilized by Drill.
    Running Fragments The number of query fragments running in the Drillbit during the selected date and time range. You can select a preset (last 15 minutes, last 1 hour, last 12 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 90 days) or custom time range and zoom in (by clicking and dragging your mouse in the pane) for a more granular view.

    For more information on fragments, see Drill Query Execution.

    Memory Used The amount of direct memory used by the JVM during the selected date and time range. You can select a preset (last 15 minutes, last 1 hour, last 12 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 90 days) or custom time range and zoom in (by clicking and dragging your mouse in the pane) for a more granular view.

    To configure the amount of direct memory allocated to a Drillbit for query processing in a Drill cluster, see Configuring Drill Memory.

    Queries The number of queries during the selected time range. You can select a preset (last 15 minutes, last 1 hour, last 12 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 90 days) or custom time range and zoom in (by clicking and dragging your mouse in the pane) for a more granular view.
    The metrics collection infrastructure must be installed during installation to visualize the metrics in the various panes. If the metrics collection infrastructure is not installed, perform an Incremental Install to install the metrics collection infrastructure.
    The Drill Bits tab displays the list of Drillbits. See Viewing the List of Drillbits.