Configuring Drill Web UI and Web API Security

The Drill web client and web API communicate with web browsers or web tools, like curl, through the HTTP or HTTPS. Drill uses HTTP by default.

Drill supports form-based (similar to Plain authentication) and SPNEGO authentication mechanisms to authenticate the communication between the web client and web browser or web tools. Drill supports SSL/TLS for encryption with form-based and SPNEGO authentication.

An administrator can configure security mechanisms and set up Drill Web UI administrators and administrator-user groups to control access to the Drill Web UI and Web API client applications. For example, limiting user access to Drill Web UI functionality, such as viewing or canceling queries submitted by other users.
  • The Drill web server does not support data-fabric-SASL (tickets).
  • With Drill Web UI security in place, users without administrator privileges must execute the SHOW SCHEMAS command in the Drill Web UI Query page to see storage plugin configuration information.

Form-Based Authentication

In EEP 5.0 and later, Drill supports form-based authentication between the web client and Drillbit. Form-based authentication is like Plain Authentication in that a user is presented with a web form where s/he enters a username and password to access restricted web pages. Form-based authentication also uses the Linux PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module).

Configuring Drill to Use libpam4j provides configuration details. When using form-based authentication, you can also configure Drill to use SPNEGO for HTTP Authentication and SSL/TLS for encryption.

HTTPS Support

The Drill Web UI supports the HTTPS protocol for encryption. With the default security configuration, HTTPS is enabled for Drill and it uses SSL trust- and keystore, which comes with cluster installation.

To use custom certificates, see SSL Certificates in Clusters.

The following example shows the default HTTPS configuration in <DRILL_INSTALL_HOME>/conf/drill-distrib.conf for a secure cluster installation:
drill.exec: {
              http.ssl_enabled: true,
              ssl.useHadoopConfig: true
You can configure additional parameters:
Drill Property Name Hadoop Property Name System Property Name Description Allowed Values Drill Default
drill.exec.http.ssl_enabled: Enable or disable TLS for Web client - Drill Web Server communication. You must set this option in drill-override.conf. true/false false
This option is set to "true" by default for a secure installation.
drill.exec.ssl.keyStorePath ssl.server.keystore.location Location of the Java keystore file containing the Drillbit’s own certificate and private key. On Windows, the specified pathname must use forward slashes, /, in place of backslashes. The Drill web server generates a self-signed certificate and stores the certificate in an in-memory keystore.
drill.exec.ssl.keyStorePassword ssl.server.keystore.password Password to access the private key from the keystore file. This password is used twice: To unlock the keystore file (store password), and to decrypt the private key stored in the keystore (key password) unless a key password is specified separately.
drill.exec.ssl.keyPassword ssl.server.keystore.keypassword Password to access the private key from the keystore file. May be different from the keystore password.
drill.exec.ssl.trustStorePath ssl.server.truststore.location Location of the Java keystore file containing the collection of CA certificates trusted by the Drill client. On Windows, the specified pathname must use forward slashes, /, in place of backslashes.
drill.exec.ssl.trustStorePassword ssl.server.truststore.password Password to access the private key from the keystore file specified as the truststore.
Use the setting in the hadoop configuration file. The hadoop configuration is specified in the file pointed to by the hadoop.ssl.server.conf parameter in the core-site.xml file. Typically, this parameter points to $HADOOP_CONF/ssl-server.xml which contains the property names to configure TLS.
Verify that $HADOOP_CONF/ssl-server.xml file is located in Drill's classpath. If not, you can create a symbolic link to this file in the Drill configuration directory, for example:
