How to Connect to Drill from Tableau on Windows

Provides instructions for using the Drill ODBC driver to connect Tableau on a Windows PC to Drill on an HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric node.

The instructions in this document were created using the following environment:

  • PC running Windows 10 (64-bit system)
  • Secure HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric 7.0.0 node (non-FIPS compliant)
  • Drill (EEP 8.1.0) installed on the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric node
  • Tableau version 2021.4.3 installed on the Windows PC

This document walks you through the steps required to:

  • Download, install, and configure JDK 11
  • Install the Data Fabric 7.0.0 client on a Windows 64-bit computer (Required to access Drill on the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric) node
  • Download and install the Drill ODBC driver (v1.3.22.1055) and configure the DSN
  • Connect to Tableau (version 2021.4.3)
  • Run a couple of queries to test the Tableau connection to Drill

Download and Install JDK 11

Complete the steps in the following sections to download and install JDK 11. Once you have it installed, set JAVA_HOME.

Download JDK 11

Downloading JDK requires an Oracle account. You can create an account before completing the steps listed in this section, or you can follow the steps listed, create your account in step 4 and then repeat steps 1 - 4 again, but instead of creating an account in step 4, entering your credentials.

To download JDK 11:
  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to the Java SE Development Kit 11.0.14 section and select the Windows tab.
  3. Click jdk-11.0.14_windows-x64_bin.exe to download.
  4. Accept the license agreement and click the download button. An Oracle account log in window appears. Enter your Oracle account credentials or click Create Account. If you enter your credentials and click Sign in… the download begins. If you create an account, complete steps 1 - 4 again to get the download after you create your account.

Install JDK 11

Click the downloaded jdk-11.0.14_windows-x64_bin.exe file. An installation wizard walks you through the installation process. Once installation completes, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.


  1. In Windows, go to View advanced system settings. The System Properties window appears.
  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Click Environment Variables.
  4. Click New. The New System Variable window opens.
  5. Enter JAVA_HOME as the variable name.
  6. Enter C:\PROGRA~1\Java\jdk-11.0.14 as the Variable value. If your JDK version is different, replace jdk-11.0.14 with your version. Currently, Data Fabric 7.0.0 supports JDK 11.
  7. In the System Variables section, select Path and then click Edit.
  8. Verify that %JAVA_HOME%\bin is listed. If it is not listed, add it.
  9. Click OK on each system screen until they all close. To verify that JDK was installed, open the Windows command prompt and run:
    C:\Users\myname> java -version
    //The system should return the following:
    java version "11.0.14" 2022-01-18 LTS
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.14+8-LTS-263)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.14+8-LTS-263, mixed mode)

Install the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Client on Windows

The HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric client is required to connect to the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster node running Drill. Note that when you download the client, the client package name is mapr-client.

To install the Data Fabric client on your Windows PC, download the client package for Windows and then complete the installation and configuration steps.

  1. Create an \opt\mapr directory on your c: drive. You can do this using Windows Explorer, or you can open the Windows command prompt and type the following in the prompt:
    mkdir c:\opt\mapr
  2. Add the MAPR_HOME environment variable:
    1. In Windows, go to View advanced system settings. The System Properties window appears.
    2. Select the Advanced tab.
    3. Click Environment Variables.
    4. Click New. The New System Variable window opens.
    5. Enter MAPR_HOME as the variable name.
    6. Enter MAPR_HOME=C:\opt\mapr as the variable value.
    7. Click OK.
    8. In the System Variables section, double-click the Path variable. The Edit Environment Variable window opens.
    9. Verify that the following variables appear in the list:
    10. Click New and add %MAPR_HOME%\hadoop\hadoop-2.7.6\bin. You should now see the following environment variables in the list:
    11. Click OK on all screens to exit the environment variables windows.
  3. Download the mapr-client package:
    1. Go to<package_name>.
    2. Click on the mapr-client- Windows client package to download it.
    3. Right-click on the downloaded file and select Extract All…. Extract all to the C:\opt\mapr\ folder. Once extracted, you should see several files and folders listed in C:\opt\mapr, as shown in the following image:

  4. If your Windows command prompt is open, close it and reopen it.
  5. Go to the C:/opt/mapr directory by running the following command:
    cd /opt/mapr
  6. Run the configuration script. These instructions assume that the cluster you will be connecting to is secure. To run the configuration script, run the following command in the Windows command prompt:
    server\configure.bat -N <cluster_name> -c -secure -C  <node-ip-address>:7222
    • -N specifies the cluster name.
      If you do not know the cluster name, you can use Putty or a similar tool to access the node in the cluster that you want to connect the client to and get the cluster name from the mapr-clusters.conf file. When you access the node, go to /opt/mapr/conf and then cat the mapr-clusters.conf file, for example:
      cd /opt/mapr/conf
      cat mapr-clusters.conf
      //You will see something like the following example returned where myCluster is the cluster name:
       myCluster secure=true
    • -c (lowercase) specifies a client configuration.
    • -secure indicates connecting to a secure cluster.
    • -C (uppercase) specifies the CLDB node(s).
    • 7222 is the default port for the CLDB node.
  7. Copy the ssl_truststore and ssl-client.xml files from the /opt/mapr/conf directory on the cluster node to the C:\opt\mapr\conf directory on the Windows client. Using a tool like WinSCP is useful for this.
  8. On the Windows PC, run the following command to create a ticket:
    When you connect to Drill, you will authenticate to Drill with the username and password that you use in this step.
    maprlogin password -user <DataFabricUserName>
    This command creates a ticket for <DataFabricUserName>, usually found in:
  9. In Windows, create a new environment variable named MAPR_TICKETFILE_LOCATION and set the variable value to C:\Users\<WindowsUserName>\AppData\Local\Temp\maprticket_<WindowsUserName>.
  10. From the Windows command prompt, run a hadoop command to validate that the client is connected to the cluster node:
    1. Go to the hadoop-2.7.6 directory:
      cd /opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.6
    2. Run the following hadoop command:
      hadoop fs -ls / 
      //Note that the / indicates a directory path.
    The command should return results similar to the following:
    Found 5 items
    drwxr-xr-x   - uid_5000 gid_5000          4 2022-02-07 06:22 /apps
    drwxr-xr-x   - uid_5000 gid_5000          0 2022-02-07 06:10 /opt
    drwxrwxrwx   - uid_5000 gid_5000          0 2022-02-07 06:08 /tmp
    drwxr-xr-x   - uid_5000 gid_5000          1 2022-02-07 06:11 /user
    drwxr-xr-x   - uid_5000 gid_5000          2 2022-02-07 06:11 /var

Download the Drill ODBC Driver

To download the Drill ODBC driver:
  1. Go to
  2. Click MapRDrill 1.3 64-bit.msi to download the Windows 64-bit driver.
  3. Click the downloaded file and follow the setup wizard to install the driver.
  4. If you received a license file through email, copy the license file into the \lib sub-folder of the installation folder. You must have administrator privileges to change the contents of this folder.

Configure the DSN

To create a Data Source Name on Windows:
  1. In Windows, go to ODBC Data Sources. The ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-bit) window opens.
  2. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator, click the Drivers tab and then scroll down to verify that the MapR Drill ODBC Driver appears in the list of ODBC drivers installed on your system.
  3. click the System DSN tab.
  4. Click Add.
  5. In the Create New Data Source dialog box, select MapR Drill ODBC Driver and then click Finish. The Drill ODBC Driver DSN Setup dialog box opens.
  6. In the Data Source Name field, type a name for your DSN.
  7. To connect to the Drill node, select Direct to Drillbit and then type the IP address or host name of the Drill server in the field beside the Direct to Drillbit option and the port on which the Drill server is listening. The port is typically 31010, for example:
  8. In the Authentication Type drop-down, select MapRSASL.
  9. To test the connection, click Test. A successful connection returns a success message. If the connection fails, verify that the settings in the MapR Drill ODBC Driver DSN Setup dialog box are correct.
  10. Click OK to exit the windows.

Connect Tableau to the Drill ODBC Driver (DSN)

Note that version 2021.4.3 of Tableau was used to create these instructions.

To connect Tableau to the Drill ODBC driver (DSN):
  1. Open Tableau.
  2. Select Connect To Server > More > Other Database (ODBC). The Other Database (ODBC) window opens.
  3. In the DSN drop-down, select the DSN you created (when you completed the steps in the Configure the DSN section).
  4. Click Connect.
  5. Enter your credentials to authenticate and then click Sign in.... Use the same credentials you used when you created a ticket for the mapr-client.
  6. To verify that Tableau is connected to the Drill node, run a couple of test queries:
    1. Double-click New Custom SQL.
    2. In the Edit Custom SQL box, enter the following query and then click Preview Results...:
      SELECT * FROM sys.drillbits
      The query should return results similar to the following:

    3. Close the View Data: Custom SQL Query + box.
    4. In the Edit Custom SQL box, enter the following query and then click Preview Results...:
      SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json` LIMIT 3
      This query runs against a sample file (employee.json) included in Drill's classpath. The query should return the following results: