MapR Data Fabric for Kubernetes Release 1.0.2

These notes describe version 1.0.2 of the MapR Data Fabric for Kubernetes.

You may also be interested in the Kubernetes documentation.

Version 1.0.2
Release Date July 2018
MapR Version Interoperability Compatible with MapR 5.2.2 or later.
Version 1.0.2 does not support the coexistence of MapR and Kubernetes software on the same nodes. If your installation requires MapR and Kubernetes software to coexist on the same nodes, see the MapR Data Fabric for Kubernetes release notes to identify the latest version that supports coexistence.
OS Compatibility The operating system (OS) on a node where the volume plug-in is installed must be a supported OS for the MapR version. For a list of supported OS versions, see Operating System Support Matrix.
Kubernetes Compatibility Kubernetes 1.9 or later.
Kubernetes alpha features are not supported.
MapR Software Downloads MapR installation (.yaml) files are located here:
Source on GitHub This repository contains Docker images, installation files, and examples:
Docker Hub Docker containers for the MapR installation files are located here:
Documentation Kubernetes Interfaces for Data Fabric FlexVolume Driver Overview
Related Resources

New in This Release

Version 1.0.2 of the MapR Data Fabric for Kubernetes can only be used on cluster nodes that are installed with MapR software (MapR 5.2.2 or later). Version 1.0.2 cannot be used on cluster nodes having both MapR and Kubernetes software.

This release of the MapR Data Fabric for Kubernetes includes a set of Docker containers and their respective .yaml configuration files that can be installed onto a Kubernetes cluster. Once installed, these containers provide a Kubernetes FlexVolume Driver for file system and a Kubernetes Dynamic Volume Provisioner that permit static and dynamic provisioning of MapR storage from Kubernetes.



Known Issues and Limitations

Note these limitations:
  • Version 1.0.2 does not support the coexistence of MapR and Kubernetes software on the same nodes. If your installation requires MapR and Kubernetes software to coexist on the same nodes, see the MapR Data Fabric for Kubernetes release notes to identify the latest version that supports coexistence.
  • All nodes in the Kubernetes cluster must use the same Linux OS. Configuration files are available to support these Linux distributions:
    • CentOS
    • RedHat (use CentOS configuration file)
    • SSE (use CentOS configuration file)
    • Ubuntu
  • Docker for Mac with Kubernetes is not supported as a development platform for containers used with the MapR Data Fabric for Kubernetes.
  • Volume plug-in files are supported for:
    • CentOS
    • Ubuntu
    • Microsoft Azure AKS
    • Red Hat OpenShift**
    • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • Amazon EKS is not supported.
  • The Basic POSIX client package is included by default when you install the MapR Data Fabric for Kubernetes. The Platinum POSIX client can be enabled by specifying a parameter in the Pod spec. Only the POSIX client is supported. NFSv3 is not supported.

**OpenShift Origin is supported because it supports Kubernetes 1.9. The OpenShift Container Platform (formerly known as OpenShift Enterprise) can be used only if it supports Kubernetes 1.9.

Resolved Issues

Issue Description
K8S-139 Version 1.0.2 includes a fix for UID/GID handling in secure, non-impersonated environments. Before Version 1.0.2, if the UID/GID of the ticket was different from the UID/GID of the container, write operations could fail. With this fix, if the UID/GID of the ticket is different from the UID/GID of the container, all operations are performed using the UID/GID of the ticket.
K8S-164 In version 1.0.1, SELinux relabeling on the pod-container volume mounts caused an issue with the flexvolume-mounted filesystem. (SELinux relabeling is enabled by default for the volume plug-in in version 1.0.1.) In version 1.0.2, the volume plug-in resolves the issue by opting out of SELinux relabeling, reporting selinux Relabel:false in its init call.