Hive Security Configuration Options

This section describes changes made in Hive default configuration. It shows how to configure Hive after manual installation.

Unlike the previous releases, starting in EEP 4.0, Hive should be configured by running the $MAPR_HOME/server/ script with the -R option after installing Hive. Hive demons will not start automatically if Hive is not configured correctly. The security configuration are described in the following sections:

  1. Automatic
  2. Manual
  3. Custom
Do not use ecosystem $HIVE_HOME/bin/ script for Hive configuration. Every configuration of Hive should be done via the $MAPR_HOME/server/ utility by running it with the -R option. The core $MAPR_HOME/server/ utility invokes the ecosystem script automatically with appropriate security option.


If you installed Hive using the Data Fabric Installer, the Data Fabric Installer configures Hive daemons during installation. Additional configuration is not required.


After a new manual installation, to generate a valid default ecosystem configuration, run:

$MAPR_HOME/server/ -R 
Table 1. Example: Hive is installed with the following configuration on a secure cluster
Node, Package Hive HiveServer2 Hive Metastore WebHCat
Node 1 X X
Node 2 X X
Node 3 X X
  • After a manual installation, run the following command on Node 1, Node 2, and Node 3:
    $MAPR_HOME/server/ -R

As a result:

  • All Hive daemons are configured to support MapR-SASL. If the hive.metastore.sasl.enabled property is enabled in the hive-site.xml file, its value is set to true. If the property is not present, it is added in the configuration section as follows:
  • HiveServer2 is configured to support encryption between Hiveserver2 and Hive clients. If the hive.server2.thrift.sasl.qop property is available in the hive-site.xml file, its value is set to auth-conf. If the property is not present, it is added in the configuration section as follows:
  • The script creates a backup folder for the current Hive configuration before it changes the configuration. All configuration properties including *.conf, *.properties, and *.xml are saved in the backup folder.
  • 644 Unix permissions are applied to all configuration files. Each run of with the -R option overwrites permissions of the configuration files to 644.
  • The Hive default ports listed below are verified as available. If a port is not available, the script generates an error message during configuration.

Hive default ports are as follows:

Role Default Port
Hive Metastore 9083
HiveServer2 10000
HiveWebHCat 50111


For PAM, LDAP, and Kerberos custom configurations, run with the -R option:

$MAPR_HOME/server/ -R

The hive-site.xml file is not changed. However, Warden files are copied and a HIVE_HOME/conf backup folder is created.