Python Support Matrix

The tables in this section show supported Python versions for EEP components and the Python OJAI Client.

Spark Compatibility

Shows the Python versions supported for Spark in recent Ecosystem Pack distributions.
Spark Version Minimum Python Version Maximum Python Version
3.5.1 3.8 3.11
3.3.3 3.7 3.10
3.3.2 3.7 3.10
3.3.1 3.7 3.10

Other EEP Component Compatibility

Shows the Python versions supported for other EEP components in recent Ecosystem Pack distributions..
EEP Component Python Version
Airflow1 3.9
Hue1 3.8
1This EEP component includes its own Python build, and does not use any Python version installed on the OS.

Python OJAI Client Compatibility

The Python OJAI Client supports Python versions 2.7 or later.

See Getting Started with the Python OJAI Client.