KSQL Security

Discusses KSQL security topics.

KSQL Security Overview

By default, KSQL is secure when installed on a secure cluster. A secure cluster is a cluster installed with the default security (MapR-SASL) enabled. Default security provides authentication, encryption, impersonation, and authorization. For encryption, SSL/TLS protocols are supported.

KSQL Communication Paths

The following image depicts the KSQL communication paths:

The following table lists the supported security mechanisms for the KSQL communication paths:
Path B does not have a network connection and therefore does not need to be secured. However, impersonation works for this path through KSQL Server.
Security Features Supported Mechanisms Communication Paths Secured
Authentication MapR-SASL (ticket-based security) D - KSQL Server and ZooKeeper
A - KSQL client (KSQL CLI/REST API) and KSQL server
C - KSQL Server and Schema Registry
Basic (PAM) A - KSQL client (KSQL CLI/REST API) and KSQL server
C -KSQL Server and Schema Registry
Cookie A - KSQL client (KSQL CLI/REST API) and KSQL server
C - KSQL Server and Schema Registry
Encryption MapR-SASL (ticket-based security) D - KSQL Server and ZooKeeper
A - KSQL client (KSQL CLI/REST API) and KSQL server
C -KSQL Server and Schema Registry
SSL/TLS A - KSQL client (KSQL CLI/REST API) and KSQL server
C - KSQL Server and Schema Registry
Authorization Based on filesystem permissions A - KSQL client (KSQL CLI/REST API) and KSQL server
Impersonation User impersonation A - KSQL client (KSQL CLI/REST API) and KSQL Server
B - KSQL Server to Streams for Apache Kafka
C - KSQL Server and Schema Registry
Auditing Not supported --


See KSQL Impersonation.


See KSQL Authorization.

Authenticating to KSQL

To authenticate to the KSQL server from the KSQL CLI, include the --auth flag and indicate the authentication type for your KSQL environment, for example:
ksql --auth MAPRSASL http://<ip-address>:8084

//Note that 8084 is the default port for KSQL. 
The default value for --auth is MAPRSAL. The --auth flag accepts the following values:
  • --auth BASIC (For basic or PAM, the system prompts users for a username and password.)
  • --auth MAPRSASL (For MapR-SASL, a mapr user ticket is used.)
  • --auth NONE (For none, authentication is disabled.)
To connect the KSQL client to a KSQL server running in a remote cluster, include the --cluster option with the remote cluster name, as shown:
ksql --cluster my.mapr.cluster https://<ip-address>:8084


The KSQL COMMANDS internal topic is used to backup information about KSQL streams, KSQL tables, KSQL persistent queries, and so on. KSQL uses KSQL COMMANDS to restore the KSQL server state in case there is a fault or server restart.

Each KSQL Server cluster has a unique service ID which is provided through the ksql.service.id property. By default, the kslq.service.id is _default. To provide additional security, ksql.service.id-specific folders are created in the ksql-internal-stream stream.

The /apps directory has only write access to mapr user. Therefore, the /apps/ksql directory cannot be modified or deleted by any user other than mapr user.

KSQL ksql.service.id-specific folders are created in the /apps/ksql/ directory for every KSQL server cluster (represented by ksql.service.id).

Default Stream

KSQL Server provides a default stream for topics when they are being processed. When KSQL Server is not impersonated (non-interactive or interactive+no-impersonation), the KSQL Server default stream is used.

KSQL Cleanup

The KSQL cleanup feature is integrated to ensure that the underlying KSQL state (such as internal topics) are cleaned up correctly. See Application Reset Tool for more information.


The Warden service (mapr-warden) manages KSQL Servers in clusters.

A service ID (ksql.service.id) is uniquely created for the KSQL implementation; this means that the user associated with the service ID cannot grant permissions to other users to use the same service ID.

Specify a Custom KSQL Truststore Location on a Secure Cluster

By default, the KSQL CLI uses the truststore file located in /opt/mapr/conf/ssl_truststore on a secure cluster; however, you can specify a custom SSL truststore file location through properties set from the command line or in the ksql-server.properties file.
Use the Default Truststore File
To use the default truststore file while working in the KSQL CLI, run:
ksql https://node1.cluster.com:8084
Specify a Custom KSQL Truststore from the Command Line
Use the --truststore flag with the directory location where the SSL truststore file is located and the --truststore-password with the truststore password, as shown in the following example:
ksql https://node1.cluster.com:8084 --truststore /opt/mapr/conf/ssl_truststore2 --truststore-password test123

For More Information