Example: Statically Provisioning a Data Fabric Volume Using the FlexVolume Plug-in

You can designate a Data Fabric volume for use with Kubernetes by specifying the Data Fabric FlexVolume parameters directly inside the Pod spec. In the Pod spec, you define a Kubernetes volume and add the Data Fabric FlexVolume information to it. You can supply path information by using the volumePath parameter. The Kubernetes volume is only as persistent as the Pod. By defining the volume this way, when the Pod is removed, the Kubernetes volume is also immediately unmounted and removed. This approach to static provisioning is most appropriate when you want to get up and running quickly or when you want the Pod and Kubernetes volume lifecycle to be the same.

For example, a developer wants to get her application container up and running quickly with Data Fabric. She already has a Data Fabric path that she wants to use for the application. She only needs the data accessible to read. To make this work, she must:
  1. Generate a Data Fabric service ticket, and set the securityType parameter in the Pod spec to secure. See Generating a Service Ticket.
  2. Configure a Ticket Secret, and include the base64-encoded contents of the ticket file in the Ticket Secret. See Configuring a Secret.
  3. Set the runAsUser and the fsGroup parameters to the UID and GID of the user that created the ticket.
  4. Point the volumePath in the flexVolume setting to the desired path, and fill in the cldbHosts and cluster information.
The following example works for on-premise deployments. For GKE and AWS deployments, you must set a default StorageClass to the maprfs StorageClass. If a default StorageClass is not provided for GKE and AWS deployments, the volume is created using your default StorageClass, which might not be a good fit. For information about changing the default StorageClass, see Change the default StorageClass.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test-secure
  namespace: mapr-examples
    runAsUser: 1000
    fsGroup: 2000
  - name: mycontainer
    image: myrepo/myorg/mycontainer
    - sleep
    - "1000000"
    imagePullPolicy: Always
        memory: "2Gi"
        cpu: "500m"
    - mountPath: /mapr
      name: maprvolume
    - name: maprvolume
        driver: "mapr.com/maprfs"
        readOnly: true
          volumePath: "/path/to/data/in/mapr"
          cluster: "mycluster"
          cldbHosts: "cldb1 cldb2 cldb3"
          securityType: "secure"
          ticketSecretName: "mapr-ticket-secret"
          ticketSecretNamespace: "mapr-examples"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mapr-ticket-secret
  namespace: mapr-examples
type: Opaque

The following tables describe the parameters in the example:


Parameter Notes
apiVersion The Kubernetes API version for the Pod spec.
kind The kind of object being created. For clarity, the example uses a naked Pod. Generally, it is better to use a Deployment, DaemonSet, or StatefulSet for high availability (HA) and ease of upgrade.
metadata: name The Pod name.
metadata: namespace The namespace in which the Pod runs.
securityContext: runAsUser The user ID to run the container under. This user ID must be the same as the user ID for which the ticket was generated.
securityContext: fsGroup The group ID to run the container under. This group ID must be the same as the group ID of the user for which the ticket was generated.
volumeMounts: mountPath A directory inside the container that is designated as the mount path.
volumeMounts: name A name that you assign to the Kubernetes volumeMounts resource. Matches with Volumes: name.
Volumes: name A string to identify the name of the Kubernetes volumes resource. Matches with volumeMounts: name.
flexVolume: driver The Data Fabric FlexVolume driver being used. Call it using this driver: mapr.com/maprfs.
flexVolume: readOnly Specifies that the FlexVolume driver should tell the Data Fabric POSIX Client to mount the volume with the read-only flag.
volumePath The mount point within the Data Fabric file system. This parameter specifies an existing Data Fabric path. For example, you can specify the root volume as "/", providing access to the entire filesystem.
cluster The Data Fabric cluster name.
cldbHosts The DNS names or IP addresses of the CLDB hosts for the Data Fabric cluster. You must provide at least one CLDB host. For fault-tolerance, providing multiple CLDB hosts is recommended. To specify multiple hosts, separate each name or IP address by a space.
securityType A parameter that indicates whether Data Fabric tickets are used or not used. If Data Fabric tickets are used, specify secure. Otherwise, specify unsecure.
ticketSecretName The name of the Secret that contains the ticket to use when mounting to the Data Fabric cluster. See Configuring a Secret.
ticketSecretNamespace The namespace that contains the Secret. See Configuring a Secret


Parameter Notes
apiVersion The Kubernetes API version.
kind The type of object being created.
name A string to identify the Secret.
namespace The namespace in which the Secret runs.
type The type of Secret being created. For type Opaque, clients must treat these values as opaque and pass them unmodified back to the server.
CONTAINER_TICKET The contents of the Data Fabric ticket encoded in base64. If you specified secure for the securityType, you must provide the ticket. To encode the ticket, see Converting a String to Base64. You may remove the ticket if the Data Fabric cluster is not secure.