
The HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric uses the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) to control security features. The /opt/mapr/conf/mapr.login.conf file specifies configuration parameters for JAAS. Contact HPE support before changing any parameters in this file other than the ones listed in this document.


The CLDB uses this stanza to verify users that are authenticating with Kerberos. This stanza requires the module.

Attribute Default Value Description
keyTab "/opt/mapr/conf/mapr.keytab" File path to the keytab file.
principal "mapr/" The Kerberos principal to use.


Web UIs on the cluster use this stanza to evaluate SPNEGO requests. This stanza requires the module.

Attribute Default Value Description
keyTab "/opt/mapr/conf/mapr.keytab" File path to the keytab file.
principal "HTTP/yourhost" The principal must be HTTP. This principal is used to negotiate authentication for Web services over SPNEGO. You can set the value for yourhost manually, but be aware that you must set the principal in the mapr.keytab file to match this value.

The jpamLogin Stanza

The Data Fabric cluster uses this stanza to verify user ID and password authentication to all the servers on the cluster. You can modify this stanza to alter the PAM configuration used by the cluster. The net.sf.jpam.jaas.JpamLoginModule module is sufficient for this stanza. There are three provided default services. The order of the serviceName in the stanza (at cluster startup) determines which PAM configuration file to use. If a failure occurs with a configuration, Data Fabric ignores the error and proceeds with the next entry.

Attribute Provided Default Values Description


  • sudo
  • sshd
  • mapr-admin

The PAM configurations to use for validating passwords, shown in their order of use.

The configuration files are typically in /etc/pam.d.

Other Stanzas

The Server, Client, Server_simple, Client_simple, and hadoop_maprsasl stanzas control important aspects of your cluster's stability. Consult with HPE support before modifying these stanzas.