HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database JSON ExportTable and ImportTable

Use these utilities together to export data from JSON tables into binary sequence files, and then import the data from the binary sequence files into other JSON tables. You can also use the mapr importtable utility to import changes that are specified in sequence files output by the mapr difftables utility.

Required Permissions

  • The readAce permission on the volume where the source table for mapr exporttable is located.
  • The writeAce permission on the volume in which to save the output from mapr exporttable.
  • The readAce permission on the volume where the files output by mapr exporttable is located.
  • The writeAce permission on the volume in which the destination table is located.

For information about how to set permissions on volumes, see Setting Whole Volume ACEs.

The mapr user is not treated as a superuser. HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database does not allow the mapr user to run these utilities unless that user is given the relevant permission or permissions with access-control expressions.

Syntax of mapr exporttable

mapr exporttable 
-src Name of table
-dst Directory path
[-columns Fields to include]
[-mapreduce : <true|false>, default is true]

Parameters of mapr exporttable

Parameter Description
src The path of the JSON table to export from.
dst The directory within the Data Fabric file system to export the files to.
columns A comma-delimited list of fields to include in the exported files.
Do not use quotation marks and do not include spaces after commas.

The cluster must have YARN installed and configured for this option to work.

A Boolean value that specifies whether or not to use a MapReduce program to perform the operation. The default, preferred method is to use a MapReduce program (true).

When this parameter is set to false, a client process uses multiple threads.

Syntax of mapr importtable

mapr importtable 
-src Input binary file or directory path
-dst Destination table
[-bulkload <true|false>, default is false ]
[-mapreduce : <true|false>, default is true]

Parameters of mapr importtable

Parameter Description
src The path of the binary file or files to import.
-src /temp/part0
-src /temp/*
dst The JSON table to import the data into.
bulkload A Boolean value that specifies whether or not to perform a full bulk load of the table. The default is not to use bulk loading (false). To use bulk load, you must set the -bulkload parameter of the table to true by running the command maprcli table edit -path <path to table> -bulkload true.

The cluster must have YARN installed and configured for this option to work.

A Boolean value that specifies whether or not to use a MapReduce program to perform the operation. The default, preferred method is to use a MapReduce program (true).

When this parameter is set to false, a client process uses multiple threads.

Example of using mapr exporttable and mapr importtable together

[user@hostname ~]$ mapr exporttable -columns contributors,creditLine -src /collection/artworks -dst /tempExport
Header: hostName: hostname, Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time, processName: null, processId: null
2015-10-01 23:02:38,044 INFO org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.zlib.ZlibFactory <clinit> pool-2-thread-1: Successfully loaded & initialized native-zlib library
2015-10-01 23:02:38,059 INFO org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.CodecPool getCompressor pool-2-thread-1: Got brand-new compressor [.deflate]
[user@hostname ~]$ hadoop mfs -ls /tempExport
Found 1 items
-rw-r--r-- Z U U   1 mapr mapr     108221 2015-10-01 23:02  268435456 /tempExport/part0
	       p 2049.184.918810  hostname:5660 
	       0 2180.39.131304  hostname:5660 
[user@hostname ~]$ mapr importtable -src /tempExport/* -dst /new_collection/artworks
Header: hostName: hostname, Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time, processName: null, processId: null
2015-10-01 23:04:50,022 INFO org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.zlib.ZlibFactory <clinit> pool-1-thread-1: Successfully loaded & initialized native-zlib library
2015-10-01 23:04:50,029 INFO org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.CodecPool getDecompressor pool-1-thread-1: Got brand-new decompressor [.deflate]
[user@hostname ~]$