mc admin account create

Creates an account.

The mc administrator runs this command to create accounts.

Any account other than default account is disallowed in case of a global namespace.


mc admin account create TARGET account_name [ domain=<domain_name> ] [ admin=<user_name> ] \
    [ storage_class="key1: val1,key2: val2" ] [ default_bucket_policy=<json_file> ] \
    [ access_controls=<json_file> ]

  Name of the account to be created

  The domain in which the account needs to be created

  The LDAP username to be designated as the account root. Default: cluster admin (mapr)

storage_class keys:
  quota          :  <x> (in MB)
  advisory_quota :  <y> (in MB)
  label          :  <storage_label>
  metaLabel      :  <storage_label for megta data containers>
  ecLabel        :  <storage label for ec volume>
  ec_scheme      :  <data_parity + global_parity [+local_parity]
  min_repl       :  <minimum repl factor>
  desired_repl   :  <desired repl factor>
  topology       :  <topology>
  ecTopology     :  <topology for ec volume>
  dareEnabled    :  <Data at Rest Encryption>

   --json                        enable JSON lines formatted output
  --debug                       enable debug output
  --insecure                    disable SSL certificate verification
  --help, -h                    show help


Parameter Description
TARGET The alias of a configured HPE Ezmeral Object Store on which the command creates the account. This parameter is mandatory.
account_name The name of the account to create. This parameter is mandatory.
domain The name of the domain under which the account must be created.
admin The name of the LDAP user to designate as the account administrator. By default, the mapr user is the administrator, till you create your own admin user.
storage_class Optional storage parameters to be specified as key-value pairs for the account. HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric creates bucket volumes using these parameters.
default_bucket_policy The bucket policy to set as default for the account.
access_control Specifies who can manage users/groups/policies/keys in this account.
For in-depth information on access controls, read Administering Account Resources.
json Enables JSON formatted output.
debug Enables output for debugging.
insecure Disables SSL verification.
help Shows this help.


  1. Create an account sales in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc admin account create salesobject sales
  2. Create an account sales in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject, with specific storage class values:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc admin account create salesobject sales storage_class="label=hdd,quota=428941,ec_scheme=6+2+2"