
Prints the space usage for each directory, for a container.

The mrdirectorystats utility, when run for a container, prints the space usage information for all directories, starting from the root of the container. This utility is considerably faster than running ls -R command on the root of the container and is useful, for example, in identifying directories which need to be moved out to a different volume while trying to reduce the size of the current namespace container.


     -c <container_id>
     [ -p ]
     [ -h ]


Parameter Description
c The ID of the container.
h Prints help for running the command.
p Prints only parent file ID (PFid) and other information about the file IDs (fids) in the container.


When you specify the -c option, the utility prints the following information per directory to the console:

DirFid The directory inode number.
files The number of regular files under the directory.
subdir The number of sub-directories inside the directory.
others The number of other types of files (except directories and regular files), such as device, symlinks, kvstores, tables, etc., inside the directory.
tfiles The total number of regular files stored in the entire directory tree.
tsubdir The total number of sub-directories stored in the entire directory tree.
tothers The total number of other type of files stored in the entire directory tree.
cntrBlocks The space occupied in block size (8k) by the direct blocks of the total regular files (tfiles) in the directory tree, for the current container.
fieletBlocks A rough estimation of the sum of all the data blocks of all the filelets of regular files spread across different data containers.
The utility also shows volume links if any volume exists in the container.

The utility prints the following if -p is specified with -c:

Inode The inode of the file.
PFid The parent file ID.
Type The type of entity in the container. Value can be one of the following:
  • Directory — indicates the entity is a directory.
  • VolLink — indicates entity is a volume link.
  • KvStore — indicates entity is KvStore.
SubType The sub-type of the entity in the container. Value can be one of the following:
  • Directory — indicates entity is directory.
  • VolLink — indicates entity is a volume link.
  • Table — indicates entity is a table. Entity can be table only if type is KvStore.
  • Tabletmap — indicates entity is a tabletmap. Entity can be tabletmap only if type is KvStore.
  • Schema — indicates entity is a schema. Entity can be schema only if type is KvStore.


Retrieve the disk space usage information for a container by running the utility with the -c option:

#  ./mrdirectorystats -c 2245
DirFid          files     subdir   others  tfiles    tsubdir  tothers cntrBlocks  fileletBlocks 
2245.16.2       5         3        3       6         4        3       0           65536
2245.39.131308  1         0        0       1         0        0       0           0
2245.40.131310  0         1        0       0         1        0       0           0
2245.41.131312  0         0        0       0         0        0       0           0
2245.45.131320  0         0        0       0         0        0       0           0
symlinks 2 fidmaps 1 tables 1 schemas 1 tabletmaps 1

Retrieve information about the file IDs in the container by running the utility with the -c and -p option:

# ./mrdirectorystats  -p -c 2049
Inode :32       PFid: 2049.16.2         Type: VolLink   SubType: VolLink
Inode :33       PFid: 2049.16.2         Type: VolLink   SubType: VolLink
Inode :34       PFid: 2049.16.2         Type: Directory SubType: Directory
Inode :35       PFid: 2049.34.131372    Type: VolLink   SubType: VolLink
Inode :36       PFid: 2049.16.2         Type: VolLink   SubType: VolLink
Inode :37       PFid: 2049.16.2         Type: VolLink   SubType: VolLink
Inode :38       PFid: 2049.16.2         Type: VolLink   SubType: VolLink
Inode :39       PFid: 2049.16.2         Type: KvStore   SubType: Table
Inode :40       PFid: 2049.16.2         Type: VolLink   SubType: VolLink
Inode :41       PFid: 2049.39.262468    Type: KvStore   SubType: Tabletmap
Inode :42       PFid: 2049.39.262468    Type: KvStore   SubType: Schema