Configuring the MAST Gateway Service

About this task

After installing MAST Gateway service, perform the following steps on the node if file system is not installed on the node. If file system is (also) installed on the node, start at step 4:


  1. Run utility.
    For example:
    /opt/mapr/server/ -C <CLDB nodes> -Z <Zookeeper nodes> -N <ClusterName>
  2. Start Warden if it is already not running.
    service mapr-warden start
  3. Run jps or /etc/init.d/mapr-mastgateway status to check whether MAST Gateway is running on the node.
  4. Open the /opt/mapr/conf/mastgateway.conf file and set values for the following parameters:
    Parameter Default Value Description
    mastgateway.port 8660 The port on which the MAST Gateway process runs. Default value is 8660.
    mastgateway.worker.numthreads 16 The number of threads to execute tiered data operations such as read and modify part of the offloaded data. The default value is 16. You can modify this based on the machine’s configuration.
    mastgateway.cntr.worker.numthreads 16 The number of threads to use to execute container-based tiered data operations such as offload and recall of file-level and volume-level data in parallel. The default value is 16.
    For faster offload, modify this value based on the machine’s configuration.
    mastgateway.logfile.size.mb 1024 The maximum size (in MB) of the MAST Gateway log file. When the size limit is reached, the logs get rolled over.
    If you modify the mastgateway.conf file, you must restart the MAST Gateway for the changes to take effect.
  5. (Optional) Add the following parameters in the /opt/mapr/conf/mastgateway.conf file only if you wish to customize libcurl.
    The MAST Gateway uses libcurl to perform tiering-related operations. The following table lists the customizable libcurl options and their default values. If these are not set in the mastgateway.conf file, the default values are used.
    In the mastgateway.conf file, add only the parameters that you wish to customize.
    Parameter Default Value Description
    mastgateway.curl.timeout 300000 Timeout for the entire request.
    mastgateway.curl.connecttimeout 60000 Timeout for the connection phase.
    mastgateway.curl.nosignal 0 Do not install signal handlers.
    mastgateway.curl.followlocation 0 Follow HTTP redirects.
    mastgateway.curl.maxsendspeed 0 Limit on data upload speed.
    mastgateway.curl.maxrecvspeed 0 Limit on data download speed.
    mastgateway.curl.maxconnects 5 Maximum number of connections in the connection pool.
    mastgateway.curl.dnsservers null Preferred DNS servers.
    mastgateway.curl.interface null Bind connection locally to this.
    mastgateway.curl.verifypeer 1 Verify the SSL certificate.
    mastgateway.curl.verifyhost 2 Verify the host name in the SSL certificate.
    mastgateway.curl.cainfo null CA cert bundle.
    mastgateway.curl.issuercert null Issuer certificate.
    mastgateway.curl.sslcert null Client cert.
    mastgateway.curl.sslcerttype null Client cert type.
    mastgateway.curl.sslkey null Client key.
    mastgateway.curl.sslkeytype null Client key type.
    mastgateway.curl.sslkeypasswd null Client key password.
    mastgateway.curl.proxy null

    Proxy to use.

    Note: Specify a value for this parameter to configure MAST Gateway to use a proxy server. See example below this table for more information.

    mastgateway.curl.preproxy null Socks proxy to use.
    mastgateway.curl.proxyport 0

    Proxy port to use.

    Note: Specify a value for this parameter to configure MAST Gateway to use a proxy server. See example below this table for more information.

    mastgateway.curl.proxytype 0

    Proxy type.

    Note: Specify a value for this parameter to configure MAST Gateway to use a proxy server. See example below this table for more information.

    mastgateway.curl.httpproxytunnel 0

    Tunnel through the HTTP proxy.

    Note: Specify a value for this parameter to configure MAST Gateway to use a proxy server. See example below this table for more information.

    mastgateway.curl.proxyuser null

    Proxy user name.

    Note: Specify a value for this parameter to configure MAST Gateway to use a proxy server. See example below this table for more information.

    mastgateway.curl.proxypasswd null

    Proxy password.

    Note: Specify a value for this parameter to configure MAST Gateway to use a proxy server. See example below this table for more information.

    mastgateway.curl.proxyauth 1

    HTTP proxy authentication methods.

    Note: Specify a value for this parameter to configure MAST Gateway to use a proxy server. See example below this table for more information.

    mastgateway.curl.proxyverifypeer 1 Verify the proxy's SSL certificate.
    mastgateway.curl.proxyverifyhost 2 Verify the proxy certificate's name against host.
    mastgateway.curl.proxycainfo null Path to proxy Certificate Authority (CA) bundle.
    mastgateway.curl.proxysslcert null SSL proxy client certificate.
    mastgateway.curl.proxysslcerttype null Type of the proxy client SSL certificate.
    mastgateway.curl.proxysslkey null Private keyfile for TLS and SSL proxy client cert.
    mastgateway.curl.proxysslkeytype null Type of proxy private key file.
    mastgateway.curl.proxysslkeypasswd null Passphrase for proxy private key.
    For example, to configure the MAST Gateway for proxy server, your mastgateway.conf file settings for proxy server should look similar to the following:
  6. Save and close the /opt/mapr/conf/mastgateway.conf file.
  7. (Optional) Configure memory for the MAST Gateway in the /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d/warden.mastgateway.conf file by setting values for the following parameters:
    Parameter Default Value Description
    service.heapsize.min 2048 The minimum amount of node memory (in MB) to allocate.
    service.heapsize.max 20480 The maximum amount of node memory (in MB) allocate.
    service.heapsize.percent 10 The percentage of node memory to allocate.
    By default, 10% of the node memory or 20GB, whichever is lower, is allocated to MAST Gateway. If the MAST Gateway is processing jobs for both warm and cold tiers, memory consumption can increase up to 7GB or more. If you see high memory alarms for small memory consumption also, tune the percentage of memory allocated for MAST Gateway. Ensure that the percentage of memory allocated through service.heapsize.percent is available for MAST Gateway.
  8. (Optional) Set the value for fs.mapr.pool.queue.max_size parameter to 20000 in the /opt/mapr/conf/dbclient.conf file.
    If compression is enabled on the data in a tiering-enabled volume, tiering jobs can fail and return errors because of the large number of operations sent to the DB (where metadata for offloaded data is stored). To prevent errors, add the fs.mapr.pool.queue.max_size parameter to the /opt/mapr/conf/dbclient.conf file and set the value for this parameter to a large number, such as 20000. For example, your entry in the /opt/mapr/conf/dbclient.conf file should look similar to the following:
    fs.mapr.pool.queue.max_size = 20000
  9. Restart the MAST Gateway for the changes to take effect.