Moving a Tier

Describes how to move a tier to a different database topology using both the Control System and the CLI. The operation is applicable to cold tiers only.

About this task

You can move a tier from the existing database topology to a different database topology in the same cluster by using the Control System and the CLI. A tier can be moved when the database topology for the tier gets bloated, and is required to be moved to a quieter part of the cluster.


  1. Log in to the Control System and navigate to Data > Volumes
  2. Click the Remote Targets tab.
    Cold tiers are referred to as remote targets.
  3. Click Change Topology
  4. Select a new topology from the list of existing topologies seen under The new value drop-down.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Moving a Tier Using the CLI and the REST API

About this task

Explains moving a tier to a different database topology by using the CLI and REST API.
Run the following command to move a tier from one database topology to another:
$ maprcli tier move [-cluster <cluster_name> ] -name <tier_name> -dbtopology <path>
Send a request of type POST by using the following syntax:
# curl -k -X POST 'https://<host>:<port>/rest/tier/move?name=<tier_name>&dbtopology=<rack_path_of_destination_db_volume_topology>'
For more information, see tier move.