Troubleshooting the FUSE-Based POSIX Client

Explains how to enable and collect the stack trace to troubleshoot POSIX client issues.

This section contains information for troubleshooting the FUSE-based POSIX client.

Enabling Traces

To enable traces at system startup, set the property fs.mapr.trace in the core-site.xml file. For example:

   <value>DEBUG | INFO | WARN | ERROR | CRITICAL | OFF</value>
   <description> </description>

Collecting the Stack Trace

If the mountpoint is not responding or if the file system operations are taking too much time, collect the stack trace of all the threads to debug. To collect the stack trace of all threads, run the following command:

gstack <fuse-process-id> > ./gstack.log

If the file system commands fail, repeat the file system command with strace and collect the log file:

strace <file system command> > ./strace.log