Changing the IP Address of a Node

Describes how to change the IP address of any node in the cluster using the CLI.

Changing the IP Address of a Data Node

About this task

Complete the following steps to change the IP address of a data node:


  1. Shut down Warden and ZooKeeper on the node to be changed.
    service mapr-zookeeper stop
    service mapr-warden stop
  2. Change the IP address of the node.
  3. Edit the /etc/hosts file on all nodes to reflect the IP address change, or ensure that the IP addresses are resolvable through a DNS search.
  4. On the node where you changed the IP address, restart the network interface. The interface shuts down, so you lose the connection.
  5. Log into the node using the new IP address.
  6. Check the IP address.
    For example, run ifconfig.
  7. If the MAPR_SUBNETS environment variable is set, edit the value for the MAPR_SUBNETS environment variable in the /opt/mapr/conf/ file and make sure that the new IP address is part of it.
  8. Restart Warden on the node(s) where the IP address has changed.
  9. Check that all nodes appear in the output of the node list command.
    /opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list -columns ip
    You might have to wait a few minutes until all nodes are registered before you get the output from this command.

Changing the IP Address of CLDB Node

About this task

Complete the following steps to change an IP address of a CLDB node:


  1. Shut down Warden and ZooKeeper on the node to be changed.
    service mapr-zookeeper stop
    service mapr-warden stop
  2. Change the IP address of the node.
  3. Edit the /etc/hosts file on all nodes to reflect the IP address change, or ensure that the IP addresses are resolvable through a DNS search.
  4. On the node where you changed the IP address, restart the network interface. The interface shuts down, so you lose the connection.
  5. Log into the node using the new IP address.
  6. Check the IP address. For example, run ifconfig.
  7. Run
    Use the -C option to provide a list of CLDB nodes.

    If the initial setting was based on the IP address, run on all nodes in the cluster.

    If the initial setting was based on the hostname, there is no need to run on any nodes when you change the IP address.

  8. Perform a rolling restart of Warden on all the nodes.
  9. Check that all nodes appear in the output of the node list command. You might have to wait a few minutes until all nodes are registered before you get output from this command.
    /opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list -columns ip

Changing the IP Address of ZooKeeper Node

About this task

Complete the following steps to change an IP address of a ZooKeeper node:


  1. Shut down Warden and ZooKeeper on the node to be changed.
    service mapr-zookeeper stop
    service mapr-warden stop
  2. Change the IP address of the node.
  3. Edit the /etc/hosts file on all nodes to reflect the IP address change, or ensure that the IP addresses are resolvable through a DNS search.
  4. On the node where you changed the IP address, restart the network interface. The interface shuts down, so you lose the connection.
  5. Log into the node using the new IP address.
  6. Check the IP address.
    For example, run ifconfig.
  7. Run
    Use the -Z option to provide the list of ZooKeeper nodes.

    If the initial setting was based on the IP address, run on all the ZooKeeper, CLDB, and Data nodes in the cluster.

    If the initial setting was based on the hostname, there is no need to run on any nodes when you change the IP address.

  8. If you run the Drillbit service on any nodes in the cluster:
    1. Change the ZooKeeper address in the conf/drill-override.conf file on the Drill nodes.
    2. Start ZooKeeper on the ZooKeeper node, and then perform a rolling restart of ZooKeeper on all other ZooKeeper nodes.
      A rolling restart of ZooKeeper means restart ZooKeeper on each node, one at a time, pausing until the last restart finishes before beginning the next. Restart the ZooKeeper leader last.
  9. Verify that the new node joined the ZooKeeper quorum.
    service mapr-zookeeper status
  10. Perform a rolling restart of Warden on all the nodes.
  11. Check that all nodes appear in the output of the node list command. You might have to wait a few minutes until all nodes are registered before you get output from this command.
    /opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node list -columns ip