Rolling Back a Patch

Removing a previously installed patch is a manual process. You can revert to a previous version of the patch by first removing the current patch and then installing the previous version.

When no previous patch version is installed – for example, when you have installed a new release that has not yet been patched – you must use the -R command and restart services after rolling back. Always test patch installs in a test environment before applying patches to production environments.
Rolling back a cluster from a newer Data Fabric software version to an older version is not supported. See Applying a Patch Manually.

Rolling Back to a Previous Patch

If a newly installed patch for a given software version delivers unexpected behavior, you can remove the patch or install an older patch for the same Data Fabric software version. Use the following steps.

On each data node:
  1. Stop the Warden and ZooKeeper (if installed) services:
    1. To stop Warden, run the following command:
      sudo service mapr-warden stop
    2. If ZooKeeper is installed on the node, run this command:
      sudo service mapr-zookeeper stop
  2. If a patch is already installed on the cluster, run one of the following commands to uninstall it:
    • On CentOS/RHEL: sudo rpm -e mapr-patch
    • On SLES: sudo zypper remove mapr-patch
    • On Ubuntu: sudo apt-get -y remove mapr-patch
  3. Install the desired older version of the patch using one of the following commands. To view the available patch versions, see Obtaining the Latest Patch Version later on this page:
    • On CentOS/RHEL: sudo rpm -ivh mapr-patch-<older_patch_number>.rpm
    • On SLES: sudo zypper install mapr-patch-<older_patch_number>.rpm
    • On Ubuntu: sudo dpkg -i mapr-patch-<older_patch_number>.deb
  4. Start the Warden and ZooKeeper (if installed) services:
    1. If ZooKeeper is installed on the node, run this command to start ZooKeeper:
      sudo service mapr-zookeeper start
    2. To start Warden, run this command:
      sudo service mapr-warden start

Rolling Back When When There Is No Previous Patch

If you install a new release and apply a patch but need to roll back the patch, use the following steps to roll back. On each node:
  1. Stop the Warden and ZooKeeper (if installed) services:
    1. To stop Warden, run the following command:
      sudo service mapr-warden stop
    2. If ZooKeeper is installed on the node, run this command:
      sudo service mapr-zookeeper stop
  2. Uninstall the patch:
    • On CentOS/RHEL: sudo rpm -e mapr-patch
    • On SLES: sudo zypper remove mapr-patch
    • On Ubuntu: sudo apt-get -y remove mapr-patch
  3. Run -R to revert to the unpatched configuration.
  4. Start the Warden and ZooKeeper (if installed) services:
    1. If ZooKeeper is installed on the node, run this command to start ZooKeeper:
      sudo service mapr-zookeeper start
    2. To start Warden, run this command:
      sudo service mapr-warden start

Obtaining the Latest Patch Version

The latest patch version (for example, version n) and the previous patch version (version n-1), are always available on To log in, specify maprpatches for the Login ID, and leave the Password field blank.

Getting Help with Patches

For technical assistance in removing a patch and restoring the functionality that existed before the patch was installed, open a case with HPE Support Center.