Installing the FUSE-Based POSIX Client

Describes how to install the FUSE-based POSIX client package on your system.

FUSE-based POSIX clients require the FUSE kernel module. Run the following command to load the kernel module:
modprobe fuse

You can install the FUSE-based POSIX client on any node, including cluster nodes.

To install the mapr-posix-client-* package on your machine, where * refers to the basic or the platinum client package, perform the following steps for your version of Linux, as the root user, or using sudo. The package is installed to the /opt/mapr/bin/ directory.

  1. Run the following command to install the POSIX client package on your machine:
    • For CentOS, RHEL, or Oracle Linux
      # yum install mapr-posix-client-*, where * is either the basic or the platinum package
      For example: yum install mapr-posix-client-basic                      
      On Oracle Linux, you must also install the compat-openssl10 package to get the POSIX client running:
      yum install compat-openssl10
    • For SLES
      # zypper install mapr-posix-client-*, where * is either the basic or the platinum package
      For example: zypper install mapr-posix-client-basic 
    • For Ubuntu
      # sudo apt-get install mapr-posix-client-*, where * is either the basic or the platinum package
      For example: apt-get install mapr-posix-client-basic 
  2. To use this client with a secure cluster or clusters, copy the following files from the /opt/mapr/conf directory on the cluster to the /opt/mapr/conf directory on the client.
    • maprtrustcreds.conf
    • maprtrustcreds.jceks
    • ssl_truststore
    • ssl_truststore.p12
    • ssl_truststore.pem
    If this client will connect to multiple clusters, merge the ssl_truststore files with the /opt/mapr/server/ tool. You must perform the merging on the cluster. See Managing Secure Clusters for details on how to connect to a secure cluster.
  3. Run to set this node as a client node.
    • Secure cluster example
      For a fresh installation of the POSIX client, run with the -secure option:
      /opt/mapr/server/ -N <clustername> -C <CLDBhost> -Z <ZooKeeperhost> -c -secure
    • Non-secure cluster example
      For a fresh installation of the POSIX client, run without the -secure option:
      /opt/mapr/server/ -N <clustername> -C <CLDBhost> -Z <ZooKeeperhost> -c
    • Reinstalling the client
      When reinstalling the POSIX client, run with the -R option to reuse the existing configuration.
      /opt/mapr/server/ -c -R 
      Do NOT add the -secure option when running with the -R option.
  4. At the end of the client installation, run the maprlogin password command to create a valid ticket to connect to the cluster.

To configure, start, and mount the client: