Troubleshooting the Container Storage Interface (CSI) Storage Plugin

This section describes how to resolve common problems you might encounter when installing and using the Container Storage Interface (CSI) Storage Plugin.

Troubleshooting CSI Driver installation

Run the following commands to display information about the pods that are deployed for the CSI plugin and provisioner:

kubectl get pods -n mapr-csi
Loopback NFS
kubectl get pods -n mapr-nfscsi

The installation is considered successful if the get pods command shows the pods in the Running state. For example, your output should look similar to the following when the CSI plugin is deployed on three worker nodes:

mapr-csi       csi-controller-kdf-0         5/5     Running     0          4h25m
mapr-csi       csi-nodeplugin-kdf-2kfrf     3/3     Running     0          4h25m
mapr-csi       csi-nodeplugin-kdf-lq5nw     3/3     Running     0          4h25m
mapr-csi       csi-nodeplugin-kdf-pkrzt     3/3     Running     0          4h25m
Loopback NFS
csi-controller-nfskdf-0       7/7     Running   0          22h
csi-nodeplugin-nfskdf-5rjt2   3/3     Running   0          18h
csi-nodeplugin-nfskdf-7d9cs   3/3     Running   0          22h
csi-nodeplugin-nfskdf-qw7kg   3/3     Running   0          22h

The preceding output shows the following:

  • csi-nodeplugin-kdf-*: Daemonset pods are deployed on all the Kubernetes worker nodes.
  • csi-controller-kdf-0: A StatefulSet pod is deployed on a single Kubernetes worker node.
Loopback NFS
  • csi-nodeplugin-nfskdf-*: Daemonset pods are deployed on all the Kubernetes worker nodes.
  • csi-controller-nfskdf-0: A StatefulSet pod is deployed on a single Kubernetes worker node.

Troubleshoot CSI Plugin Deployment Failures

If the pods show a failure in the deployment, run the following kubectl commands to see the container logs:

kubectl logs <csi-nodeplugin-*> -n mapr-csi -c <nodeplugin-pod-container>
Loopback NFS
kubectl logs csi-controller-nfskdf-0 -n mapr-nfscsi -c <controller-pod-container>
Here, replace <nodeplugin-pod-container> with the container that is failing. You can also run the following kubectl command to see the controller logs:
kubectl logs csi-controller-kdf-0 -n mapr-csi -c <controller-pod-container>
Here, replace <controller-pod-container> with the container that is failing.

Troubleshooting Volume Provisioning

To check for provisioner errors, check the provisioner log:

tail -100f /var/log/csi-maprkdf/csi-provisioner.log
Loopback NFS
tail -100f /var/log/csi-maprkdf/csi-nfsprovisioner.log

Troubleshooting Mount Operation

Check the CSI Storage plug-in log for mount or unmount errors:

tail -100f /var/log/csi-maprkdf/csi-plugin.log
Loopback NFS
tail -100f /var/log/csi-maprkdf/csi-nfsplugin.log

If you don’t see any errors, see the kubelet logs on the node where the pod is scheduled to run. For specific errors, check the CSI Storage plugin logs.

Troubleshooting CSI Storage Plugin Discovery with kubelet

Check the kubelet path for Kubernetes deployment from the kubelet process running with --root-dir. The --root-dir is a string that contains the directory path for managing kubelet files (such as volume mounts, etc.,) and defaults to /var/lib/kubelet. If the Kubernetes environment has a different kubelet path, modify the CSI driver deployment .yaml file with the new path, and redeploy the CSI Storage Plugin again.

Troubleshooting Snapshot Provisioning

See the provisioner log and check for any provisioner errors:
tail -100f /var/log/csi-maprkdf/csi-provisioner.log
If there are no errors, run the following kubectl command to check the snapshot:
kubectl describe <snapshot-name> -n <namespace-name>
  • <snapshot-name>: Name of the VolumeSnapshot Object defined in yaml.
  • <namespace-name>: Namespace where the VolumeSnapshot object is created.

Troubleshooting No Space on Disk Error

The devicemapper storage driver used for Docker allows only 10 GB by default, resulting in "no space left on device" errors when writing to new directories for a new volume mount request. If --maxvolumepernode is configured to be greater than 20 and the underlying Docker is using the devicemapper storage driver, do the following to increase the storage size:

  1. Change the storage driver to a value other than devicemapper, which restricts container storage to 10 GB by default.
  2. Increase the default container storage to more than the default of 10 GB for the devicemapper storage driver for the Docker container running on a Kubernetes worker node.
For example, do the following to increase the storage size to 50 GB:
  1. In the /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage file, add --storage-opt dm.basesize=50G under DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTIONS section.
  2. Restart Docker.
  3. Run the following command to confirm that the setting is correctly applied:
    docker info | grep "Base Device Size"