Setting Data ACEs

Describes how to set ACEs using both the GUI and the CLI.

About this task

To set data Access Control Expression (ACE) using the Add Access Permission window in the Control System:


  1. Specify the entities to set permissions for by doing one of the following:
    • Move the slider associated with Public to Yes to grant access to all users or to No to set permissions for individual users, groups, and/or roles.
    • Specify the users, groups, and/or roles to set permissions for in the associated fields.
    • Select the Custom ACE checkbox and enter the access control expression in the field.
  2. Click Add to set permissions for all or for the specified users, groups, and/or roles.
  3. Select the permissions to grant the specified users, groups, and/or roles from the Permissions column associated with the entities.
  4. Click Save Changes to save the ACE settings.