Mirroring Topics with HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric MirrorMaker 2

MirrorMaker 2.0 is a multi-cluster, cross-data-center replication engine based on the Kafka Connect framework. MirrorMaker 2 is available starting in EEP 8.0.0.

Mirror Maker 2.0 replicates data in topics from one Kafka cluster to another. HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Mirror Maker 2 can mirror data:
  • from Apache Kafka clusters to Apache Kafka clusters.
  • from Apache Kafka clusters to streams in HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric clusters.
  • from streams in HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric clusters to Apache Kafka clusters.
  • between streams in HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric clusters.

MirrorMaker 2 Architecture

MirrorMaker 2 uses the Kafka Connect framework to simplify configuration and scaling. Both source and sink connectors are provided to enable complex flows between multiple Kafka clusters and across data centers via existing Kafka Connect clusters. The main MirrorMaker 2 components are actually Kafka connectors, as described in the following list:

  • The MirrorSourceConnector replicates records from local to remote clusters and enables offset synchronization.
  • The MirrorCheckpointConnector manages consumer offset synchronization, emits checkpoints, and enables failover.
  • The MirrorHeartbeatConnector provides heartbeats, monitoring of replication flows, and client discovery of replication topologies, which can be more complex than for the original MirrorMaker.

As shown in the following MirrorMaker 2 architecture diagram, the source and sink connectors contain a pair of producers and consumers to replicate records, and a pair of AdminClients to propagate configuration changes:


When using HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric streams as the source or target:

  • Ensure that the destination stream in the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster exists. To create a stream, run the maprcli stream create command.
  • Ensure that the ID of the user that runs MirrorMaker 2 has the produceperm and topicperm permissions on the stream.

When using an Apache Kafka cluster as the source or target:

  • Verify that a connection to the Apache Kafka cluster exists.

Connector Configuration Properties for MirrorMaker 2

Use the .stream property instead of the .bootstrap.servers property when an HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric stream is the source or the target.

The following table lists the properties common to the SourceConnectors and SinkConnector:
Property Default Description
name required name of the connector, e.g. "us-west->us-east"
topics empty string regex of topics to replicate, e.g. "topic1|topic2|topic3". Comma-separated lists are also supported.
topics.blacklist ".*\.internal, .*\.replica, __consumer_offsets" or similar topics to exclude from replication
groups empty string regex of groups to replicate, e.g. ".*"
groups.blacklist empty string groups to exclude from replication
source.cluster.alias required name of the cluster being replicated
target.cluster.alias required name of the downstream Kafka cluster
source.cluster.stream required or can be replaced by bootstrap.servers stream from upstream HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster to replicate
target.cluster.stream required or can be replaced by bootstrap.servers Stream from downstream HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster
source.cluster.bootstrap.servers required or can be replaced by stream upstream cluster to replicate
target.cluster.bootstrap.servers required or can be replaced by stream downstream cluster
sync.topic.configs.enabled true whether or not to monitor source cluster for configuration changes
sync.topic.acls.enabled true whether to monitor source cluster ACLs for changes
emit.heartbeats.enabled true connector should periodically emit heartbeats
emit.heartbeats.interval.seconds 5 (seconds) frequency of heartbeats
emit.checkpoints.enabled true connector should periodically emit consumer offset information
emit.checkpoints.interval.seconds 5 (seconds) frequency of checkpoints
refresh.topics.enabled true connector should periodically check for new topics
refresh.topics.interval.seconds 5 (seconds) frequency to check source cluster for new topics
refresh.groups.enabled true connector should periodically check for new consumer groups
refresh.groups.interval.seconds 5 (seconds) frequency to check source cluster for new consumer groups
readahead.queue.capacity 500 (records) number of records to let consumer get ahead of producer
replication.policy.class org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.DefaultReplicationPolicy use LegacyReplicationPolicy to mimic legacy MirrorMaker
heartbeats.topic.retention.ms 1 day used when creating heartbeat topics for the first time
checkpoints.topic.retention.ms 1 day used when creating checkpoint topics for the first time
offset.syncs.topic.retention.ms max long used when creating offset sync topic for the first time
replication.factor 2 used when creating remote topics
The following table lists internal client properties that you can override:
Property Description
source.cluster.consumer.* overrides for the source-cluster consumer
source.cluster.producer.* overrides for the source-cluster producer
source.cluster.admin.* overrides for the source-cluster admin
target.cluster.consumer.* overrides for the target-cluster consumer
target.cluster.producer.* overrides for the target-cluster producer
target.cluster.admin.* overrides for the target-cluster admin

Example Configuration File

The following mm2.properties configuration file example shows the configuration for an HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric stream to Apache Kafka cluster workflow.
# Datacenters.
clusters = source, target
source.stream = /str
target.bootstrap.servers =

# Source and target cluster configurations.
source.config.storage.replication.factor = 1
target.config.storage.replication.factor = 1

source.offset.storage.replication.factor = 1
target.offset.storage.replication.factor = 1

source.status.storage.replication.factor = 1
target.status.storage.replication.factor = 1

source->target.enabled = true
target->source.enabled = false

# Mirror maker configurations.
offset-syncs.topic.replication.factor = 1
heartbeats.topic.replication.factor = 1
checkpoints.topic.replication.factor = 1

topics = .*
groups = .*

tasks.max = 1
replication.factor = 1
refresh.topics.enabled = true
sync.topic.configs.enabled = true
refresh.topics.interval.seconds = 30

topics.blacklist = .*[\-\.]internal, .*\.replica, __consumer_offsets
groups.blacklist = console-consumer-.*, connect-.*, __.*

# Enable heartbeats and checkpoints.
source->target.emit.heartbeats.enabled = true
source->target.emit.checkpoints.enabled = true

Command Syntax

To start the MirrorMaker 2 connectors, run the following command:
/opt/mapr/kafka/kafka-<version>/bin/connect-mirror-maker.sh mm2.properties

Logs are written to the console instead of log files. You can change where logs are written by editing the /opt/mapr/kafka/kafka-<version>/config/connect-mirror-maker-log4j.properties file.


There are several limitations that differentiate HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric MirrorMaker 2 from Apache Kafka MirrorMaker 2:

  • MirrorCheckpointConnector is not supported by HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric MirrorMaker 2; therefore, mirroring is based only on MirrorSourceConnector and MirrorHeartbeatConnector.
  • Access Control Lists (ACLs) synchronization is not supported because HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric streams are not supported ACL.
  • Broker configurations that include any of the log. properties are not synchronized. For example, if the broker configuration contains the log.dir property, the broker configuration is not synchronized across all brokers in the cluster.

Related Links

KIP-382: MirrorMaker 2.0