Editing Tables

Explains how to edit binary and JSON tables using either the Control System, the CLI, or the REST API.

About this task

You can use the Control System, the CLI, or the REST API to edit the attributes of a HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database binary or JSON table. You can also use the HBase shell to edit a binary table. To edit a table, you must have the following permissions:

  • readAce and writeAce on the volume
  • lookupdir on directories in the path
  • adminaccessperm on the table

Editing Tables Using the Control System


  1. Log into the Control System using your login credentials. The Control System Overview page appears.
    This option is not available on the Kubernetes version of the Control System.
  2. Click Data > Tables from the top of the page. The Tables page appears.
  3. Select the table needing to be edited (under the Recently Viewed Tables pane or in the bottom pane) or enter the path to the needed table in the available field, and then click Edit Table to display the Edit Table page.
  4. Make changes to the following Properties, where necessary:
    Property Property Description
    Metrics Interval Select 10 sec, 1 min or 10 min to update the interval of time for logging metrics.
    Auto Split Enable (Yes) or disable (No) auto-splitting of table. If enabled, the table is split automatically into regions as the table grows. If disabled, the table can be split manually into regions. By default, this is enabled.
    Bulkload Enable (Yes) or disable (No) full bulk load of the table.
  5. Define Default Data Access Control for Column Family settings:
    1. Select either Basic or Advanced:
      If you switch from Basic to Advanced, the basic settings, if any, are carried over to the advanced settings. If you switch from Advanced to Basic, all the settings are lost because the subexpressions and AND (&) and negation (!) operations that are supported by advanced settings are not supported in the basic settings.
      • If you select Basic from the Security pane of the Create New Table page, then select a user type, enter a name in the Name field, and check associated permissions for the settings, as needed.
        You cannot specify User, Group, or Role individually if access is granted to all users (Public).

        Selected permissions become the default table permissions after creating column families under this table and are displayed under the DEFAULT DATA ACCESS CONTROL FOR COLUMN FAMILIES pane of the Create New Table page.

        Permission Permission Description
        Read Data Can do column reads. Reads require permission both at the column-family level and at the field level. This permission is inherited by fields within the column family.
        Write Data Can do column writes. Writes require permission both at the column-family level and at the field level. This permission is inherited by fields within the column family.
        Traverse Data Can pass over fields in JSON documents. For example, suppose that a JSON table contains documents of this general structure:
          "_id" : "ID",
          "a" :
               "b" : "value",
               "c" : "value"
        Suppose further that the user sjohnson has read permission on a.b, but not on a. For sjohnson to read a.b, the user needs the traverse permission on a. The user can then pass over field a to a.b. This permission is inherited by fields within the column family.
        Set Compression Can set or change the compression setting for the column family.
        Unmasked Data Leaving the Unmask Data checkbox unchecked hides table column family data from the selected user. Checking the box allows the selected user to see all table data, based on and in coordination with other security and data access settings.
        Permission Permission Description
        Read Data Can do column reads. Reads require permission both at the column-family level and at the field level. This permission is inherited by fields within the column family.
        Write Data Can do column writes. Writes require permission both at the column-family level and at the field level. This permission is inherited by fields within the column family.
        Append Data Can do column appends. Column appends require permission both at the column-family level and at the column level.
        Set Version Can set or change the maximum and minimum number of versions of column values to keep.
        Set Compression Can set or change the compression setting for the column family.
      • If you select Advanced from the Security pane of the Create New Table page, then specify public (p) or user (u), group (g), and/or role (r) and indicate, if required, user access options with the following boolean expressions and subexpressions:
        • ! — Negation operator.
        • & — AND operation.
        • | — OR operation.
        Use (), parentheses, for subexpressions.
        You cannot specify User, Group, or Role individually if access is granted to all users (Public).
        By default, all table permissions are given to the user creating the table.

        Alternatively, click associated with the type of access to use the selected Access Control Expression window to define access for Public or User, Group, and/or Role.

    2. Opt to:
      • Create a copy of permission settings for a listed public, user, group, or role type by clicking , which you can then modify.
      • Delete permission settings for a listed public, user, group, or role type by clicking .
  6. Make changes as needed to Table Administration Control settings:
    1. Modify the list of users, groups, and/or roles that have and/or do not have the following types of administration permissions on the table, as applicable:
      Field Field Description
      Admin Can view and edit the permissions for the table.
      Index Can create an index for the table.
      Force Pack Can pack table regions.
      Split Merge Can take the following actions:
      • Split the table into regions or merge regions of the table together.
      • Change the size of the region.
      Bulkload Can load this table with bulk loads if the table was created with bulk load support.
      Replication Access Can set up replication either to or from a table.
      Create/Rename Column Family Can create column families for this table or rename existing column families.
      Delete Column Family Can delete column families associated with the table.
      Field Field Description
      Admin Can view and edit the permissions for the table.
      Force Pack Can pack table regions.
      Split Merge Can take the following actions:
      • Split the table into regions or merge regions of the table together.
      • Change the size of the region.
      Bulkload Can load this table with bulk loads if the table was created with bulk load support.
      Replication Access Can set up replication either to or from a table.
      Create/Rename Column Family Can create column families for this table or rename existing column families.
      Delete Column Family Can delete column families associated with the table.
    2. Opt to:
      • Grant access to a new user, group, or role by clicking Add Another, selecting the Type entity, entering the Name entity, and selecting the permissions to grant the entity.
      • Create a copy of permission settings for a listed public, user, group, or role type by clicking . You can then modify the copied settings, if necessary.
      • Delete permission settings for a listed public, user, group, or role type by clicking .
  7. Click Save Changes for the changes to take effect.

Editing Tables Using the CLI or the REST API

About this task

The following is the command to edit a table:
maprcli table edit -path <path>
Send a request of type POST. For example:
curl -k -X POST 'https://<hostname>:8443/rest/table/edit?path=<path>' --user <username>:<pwd>
  • For a path on the local cluster, start the path at the volume mount point. For example, for a table named test under a volume with a mount point at /volume1, specify the following path: /volume1/test
  • For a path on a remote cluster, you must also specify the cluster name in the path. For example, for a table named customer under volume1 in the sanfrancisco cluster, specify the following path:/mapr/sanfrancisco/volume1/customer
    You cannot use the following characters in the table name:
     < > ? % \
    To use the following characters in the table name, enclose them either in single or double quotes:
    ; | ( ) / 
    For example:
    maprcli table create -path "/設備^=#;{}&()/"  (or)
    maprcli table create -path '/設備^=#;{}&()/'
    To use either the ' or the " character in the table name, enclose:
    • the ' character within double quotes (")
    • the " character within single quote (')
    For example:
    maprcli table create -path "/'設備^=#;{}&()/"  (or)
    maprcli table create -path '/"設備^=#;{}&()/'

When you edit a table, you can change a number of properties including:

  • Enable or disable auditing, autosplitting, and bulkloading
  • Set permissions on table
  • Set permissions for default column families

For full reference for this command, see the table edit command.

Editing Binary Tables Using HBase Shell

About this task

After starting the HBase shell, run the alter command. Type help to see a list of commands and their syntax.