Viewing the List of Schedules

Explains how to view all the schedules using the Control System or the CLI.

Viewing the List of Schedules Using the Control System

About this task

To view all the schedules:


Log in to the Control System and go to the Schedules tab under Data > Volumes.
The Volumes page is under the Volumes menu in the Kubernetes version of the Control System.
The page displays all the schedules. For each schedule, the page displays the following:
Column Name Column Description
Schedule Name The name of the schedule.
ID The schedule ID.
In Use Checkmark () indicates the schedule is currently being used.
Detail The schedule details such as the recurring points in time when the associated actions occur and how long the data is preserved.
Selecting the checkbox associated with a schedule makes the Remove Schedule button available. You can:
  • Create a new schedule by clicking Create Schedule
  • Remove a schedule by selecting the checkbox beside the schedule (to remove) and then by clicking Remove Schedule
  • Edit a schedule by clicking the schedule name

Retrieving the List of Schedules Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

The basic command to retrieve a list of schedules is:

maprcli schedule list

For complete reference information, see schedule list.