Set or Modify Quotas for Users and/or Groups

Explains how to set or modify quotas for one or more entities using either the Control System or the CLI.

Set or Modify Quotas for Multiple Users and/or Groups Using the Control System

About this task

To edit the quota, which limits the space used by all the volumes owned by a user or group, for one or more users, in the User Disk Usage tab under Data > Volumes:
The Volumes page is under the Volumes menu in the Kubernetes version of the Control System.


  1. Select the users/groups from the list of users/groups in the Accountable Entities pane.
  2. Click Edit Properties.
    The Edit Properties dialog displays.
  3. Verify the list of users/groups and modify or set the following for the users/groups:
    1. Hard quota, which raises an alarm when the limit is reached and prevents further writes.
    2. Advisory quota, which raises an alarm when the threshold is reached, but does not prevent further writes.
    Both, advisory and hard, quotas can be expressed in megabytes (MB), which is the default, gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB).
  4. Click Save Changes for the changes to take effect.

Set or Modify Quotas for an Entity Using the Control System

About this task

To edit the quota, which limits the space used by all the volumes owned by a user or group, for a user, in the User Disk Usage tab under Data > Volumes:
The Volumes page is under the Volumes menu in the Kubernetes version of the Control System.


  1. Click the user/group from the list of users/groups or the associated with the user/group in the Accountable Entities pane to display the Edit Properties window.
  2. Modify or set the following for the user or group:
    1. Enter the email address of the user/group.
    2. Hard quota, which raises an alarm when the limit is reached and prevents further writes.
    3. Advisory quota, which raises an alarm when the threshold is reached, but does not prevent further writes.
      The advisory quota must be less than the hard quota.
    Both, advisory and hard, quotas can be expressed in megabytes (MB), which is the default, gigabytes (GB), terabytes (TB), petabytes (PB), exabytes (EB), and zettabytes (ZB).
  3. Click Save Changes for the changes to take effect.

Set or Modify Quotas for Users and/or Groups Using the CLI or the REST API

About this task

The basic command to set or modify quotas for multiple entities is:

maprcli entity modify 
        -entities <entities> 
        -advisoryquota <advisory quota> 
        -quota <quota>

The basic command to set or modify quotas for an entity is:

maprcli entity modify 
        -name <entityname> 
        -type <type> 
        -advisoryquota <advisory quota> 
        -quota <quota>

For complete reference information, see entity modify.