Enabling and Disabling a Service Using the CLI and REST API

Describes how to enable or disable a service using either the REST API or the CLI.

About this task

You can disable a service to prevent it from starting or restarting when Warden starts or restarts, and enable a service to allow it to start or restart when Warden starts or restarts.

Disabling a Service Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

Run the following command:
maprcli node services -nodes <hostName> -name <serviceName> -action disable
Send a request of type POST. For example:
curl -X POST 'https://<host>:8443/rest/node/services?nodes=<hostName>&name=<serviceName>
 &action=disable' --user <username>:<password>
When you disable a service, the service is stopped and the service is not automatically starrted/restarted when Warden is started/restarted.
See node services for more information.

Enabling a Service Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

Run the following command:
maprcli node services -nodes <hostName> -name <serviceName> -action enable
Send a request of type POST. For example:
curl -X POST 'https://<host>:8443/rest/node/services?nodes=<hostName>&name=<serviceName>
 &action=enable' --user <username>:<password>
When you enable a service, the service is started/restarted when Warden is started/restarted.
See node services for more information.