OJAI Query Conditions Using elementAnd

The elementAnd operator allows you to specify multiple conditions on the same array element using a container field path. This is in contrast to the and operator where conditions can refer to any array element. You can use elementAnd with both nested documents and scalar values. You can also use it in combination with other operators, including between, and, and or.

Using elementAnd with Nested Documents

Assume that you have the following set of documents that reflect student scores on courses. Each document has an array of grades. Grades is a nested document that reflects how the students scored on each course they took.

If you want to find the students who scored 12 in history, you use the following elementAnd condition:

The condition matches the following documents, with the matching conditions highlighted in bold:


The example illustrates the following behavior:

  • The positions of the subfields in the nested document are not significant.
  • In document 002, there are other subfields in the nested document that do not match the specified conditions.

In contrast, the following example expresses a different condition, using and instead of elementAnd:


This condition returns documents corresponding to students who have taken history and scored 12 on any course. The following are the matching documents, with the matching conditions highlighted in bold:


The example illustrates the following behavior:

  • Besides returning the same documents as the previous elementAnd example, this condition also returns document 003.
  • Document 003 matches because that student took history and scored 12 on english, rather than history.
  • Document 005 does not match because although the student took history, the student did not score 12 on any courses.

Using elementAnd with Scalar Values

If you apply elementAnd to a container of scalar values, you use the $ symbol to denote an unspecified container element.

Suppose you have the following documents:

{"_id" : "001", "name" : "a", "values" : [1, 2, 3, 6, 15] }
{"_id" : "002", "name" : "b", "values" : [3, 6, 9, 10, 15] }
{"_id" : "003", "name" : "c", "values" : [14] }
{"_id" : "004", "name" : "c", "values" : 11 }

To find all documents where values[] contains a number between 7 and 11 (inclusive), you can use the following condition:


The condition returns the following documents, with the matching numbers highlighted in bold:


The example illustrates the following behavior:

  • In document 002, multiple elements in the array match the condition.
  • In document 004, values is a scalar value.

Suppose you apply the following condition that uses and instead of elementAnd:


All documents except 003 match this and condition because in the matching documents, values[] contains some number greater than or equal to 7 and some number less than or equal to 11. The difference is that the same number does not need to match both conditions, which is the case for document 001.

Using between with elementAnd

You cannot use a container field path in a between condition. To use the between operator to match against an arbitrary array element, you must include the between condition in an elementAnd condition.

The following table shows the proper way to specify a between condition that is equivalent to the elementAnd example from the previous section:

Correct Condition Incorrect Condition

This example uses between to match against an arbitrary scalar array element. You can also use between to match against a subfield in a nested document, in which the nested document is an arbitrary array element.

For example, using the sample documents shown earlier, the following table shows the correct way to apply the between operator on the subfield score in the nested documents that are elements in the grades array:

Correct Condition Incorrect Condition

The condition returns the following documents, with the matching conditions highlighted in bold:


Using Other Operators in elementAnd Conditions

You can also use operators like or in elementAnd's query condition list.

For example, the following condition finds all students who scored 12 in either history or english:


The condition returns the following documents, with the matching conditions highlighted in bold:


Combining elementAnd with Other Operators

You can combine elementAnd with other operators like and.

For example, using the sample documents shown earlier, suppose you want to find all students who scored 12 in history as well scored 15.5 in math. The following condition expresses this criteria:


The condition returns the following documents, with the matching conditions highlighted in bold:
