Support for HBase Java Filters Support

HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database supports the following Java filters, which work identically to their Apache HBase versions. See the Apache HBase API for more information, specifically, the Apache HBase Filter package.




Simple filter that returns first N columns on row only. This filter was written to test filters in Get and as soon as it gets its quota of columns, filterAllRemaining() returns true. This makes this filter unsuitable as a Scan filter.


A filter, based on the ColumnCountGetFilter, takes two arguments: limit and offset. This filter can be used for row-based indexing, where references to other tables are stored across many columns, in order to efficient lookups and paginated results for end users. Only most recent versions are considered for pagination.


This filter is used for selecting only those keys with columns that matches a particular prefix. For example, if prefix is 'an', it will pass keys with columns like 'and', 'anti' but not keys with columns like 'ball', 'act'.


This filter is used for selecting only those keys with columns that are between minColumn to maxColumn. For example, if minColumn is 'an', and maxColumn is 'be', it will pass keys with columns like 'ana', 'bad', but not keys with columns like 'bed', 'eye' If minColumn is null, there is no lower bound. If maxColumn is null, there is no upper bound. minColumnInclusive and maxColumnInclusive specify if the ranges are inclusive or not.

DependentColumnFilter A filter for adding inter-column timestamp matching Only cells with a correspondingly timestamped entry in the target column will be retained Not compatible with Scan.setBatch as operations need full rows for correct filtering
FamilyFilter This filter is used to filter based on the column family. It takes an operator (equal, greater, not equal, etc) and a byte [] comparator for the column family portion of a key.

This filter can be wrapped with WhileMatchFilter and SkipFilter to add more control. Multiple filters can be combined using FilterList . If an already known column family is looked for, use Get.addFamily(byte[]) directly rather than a filter.

FilterList Implementation of Filter that represents an ordered List of Filters which will be evaluated with a specified boolean operator FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ALL (AND) or FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ONE (OR). Since you can use Filter Lists as children of Filter Lists, you can create a hierarchy of filters to be evaluated. FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ALL evaluates lazily: evaluation stops as soon as one filter does not include the KeyValue. FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ONE evaluates non-lazily: all filters are always evaluated. Defaults to FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ALL .

A filter that will only return the first KV from each row.

This filter can be used to more efficiently perform row count operations.

FirstKeyValueMatchingQualifiersFilter The filter looks for the given columns in KeyValue. Once there is a match for any one of the columns, it returns ReturnCode.NEXT_ROW for remaining KeyValues in the row.

Note: It may emit KVs which do not have the given columns in them, if these KVs happen to occur before a KV which does have a match. Given this caveat, this filter is only useful for special cases like RowCounter .


Filters data based on fuzzy row key. Performs fast-forwards during scanning. It takes pairs (row key, fuzzy info) to match row keys. Where fuzzy info is a byte array with 0 or 1 as its values:

  • 0 - means that this byte in provided row key is fixed, i.e. row key's byte at same position must match
  • 1 - means that this byte in provided row key is NOT fixed, i.e. row key's byte at this position can be different from the one in provided row key

Example: Let's assume row key format is userId_actionId_year_month. Length of userId is fixed and is 4, length of actionId is 2 and year and month are 4 and 2 bytes long respectively. Let's assume that we need to fetch all users that performed certain action (encoded as "99") in Jan of any year. Then the pair (row key, fuzzy info) would be the following: row key = "????_99_????_01" (one can use any value instead of "?") fuzzy info = "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00" I.e. fuzzy info tells the matching mask is "????_99_????_01", where at ? can be any value.


A Filter that stops after the given row. There is no "RowStopFilter" because the Scan spec allows you to specify a stop row. Use this filter to include the stop row, eg: [A,Z].


A filter that will only return the key component of each KV (the value will be rewritten as empty).

This filter can be used to grab all of the keys without having to also grab the values.


This filter is used for selecting only those keys with columns that matches a particular prefix. For example, if prefix is 'an', it will pass keys will columns like 'and', 'anti' but not keys with columns like 'ball', 'act'.


Implementation of Filter interface that limits results to a specific page size. It terminates scanning once the number of filter-passed rows is > the given page size.

Note that this filter cannot guarantee that the number of results returned to a client are <= page size. This is because the filter is applied separately on different region servers. It does however optimize the scan of individual HRegions by making sure that the page size is never exceeded locally.


Pass results that have same row prefix.

QualifierFilter This filter is used to filter based on the column qualifier. It takes an operator (equal, greater, not equal, etc) and a byte [] comparator for the column qualifier portion of a key.

This filter can be wrapped with WhileMatchFilter and SkipFilter to add more control. Multiple filters can be combined using FilterList . If an already known column qualifier is looked for, use Get.addColumn(byte[], byte[]) directly rather than a filter.


A filter that includes rows based on a chance.

RowFilter This filter is used to filter based on the key. It takes an operator (equal, greater, not equal, etc) and a byte [] comparator for the row, and column qualifier portions of a key.

This filter can be wrapped with WhileMatchFilter to add more control. Multiple filters can be combined using FilterList. If an already known row range needs to be scanned, use CellScanner start and stop rows directly rather than a filter.

SingleColumnValueExcludeFilter A Filter that checks a single column value, but does not emit the tested column. This will enable a performance boost over SingleColumnValueFilter , if the tested column value is not actually needed as input (besides for the filtering itself).

This filter is used to filter cells based on value. It takes a CompareFilter.CompareOp operator (equal, greater, not equal, etc), and either a byte [] value or a ByteArrayComparable.

If we have a byte [] value then we just do a lexicographic compare. For example, if passed value is 'b' and cell has 'a' and the compare operator is LESS, then we will filter out this cell (return true). If this is not sufficient (eg you want to deserialize a long and then compare it to a fixed long value), then you can pass in your own comparator instead.

You must also specify a family and qualifier. Only the value of this column will be tested. When using this filter on a CellScanner with specified inputs, the column to be tested should also be added as input (otherwise the filter will regard the column as missing).

To prevent the entire row from being emitted if the column is not found on a row, use setFilterIfMissing(boolean) . Otherwise, if the column is found, the entire row will be emitted only if the value passes. If the value fails, the row will be filtered out.

In order to test values of previous versions (timestamps), set setLatestVersionOnly(boolean) to false. The default is true, meaning that only the latest version's value is tested and all previous versions are ignored.

To filter based on the value of all scanned columns, use ValueFilter.


A wrapper filter that filters an entire row if any of the Cell checks do not pass.

For example, if all columns in a row represent weights of different things, with the values being the actual weights, and we want to filter out the entire row if any of its weights are zero. In this case, we want to prevent rows from being emitted if a single key is filtered. Combine this filter with a ValueFilter:

 scan.setFilter(new SkipFilter(new ValueFilter(CompareOp.NOT_EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(Bytes.toBytes(0))));  

Any row which contained a column whose value was 0 will be filtered out (since ValueFilter will not pass that Cell). Without this filter, the other non-zero valued columns in the row would still be emitted.


Filter that returns only cells whose timestamp (version) is in the specified list of timestamps (versions).

Note: Use of this filter overrides any time range/time stamp options specified using Get.setTimeRange(long, long), Scan.setTimeRange(long, long), or Scan.setTimeStamp(long). See the Apache HBase API, Client package for detailed information.

ValueFilter This filter is used to filter based on column value. It takes an operator (equal, greater, not equal, etc) and a byte [] comparator for the cell value.

This filter can be wrapped with WhileMatchFilter and SkipFilter to add more control. Multiple filters can be combined using FilterList. To test the value of a single qualifier when scanning multiple qualifiers, use SingleColumnValueFilter.


A wrapper filter that returns true from filterAllRemaining() as soon as the wrapped filters Filter.filterRowKey(byte[], int, int), Filter.filterKeyValue(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell), Filter.filterRow() or Filter.filterAllRemaining() methods returns true.