Create Buckets

Describes how to create a bucket.

The bucket name is unique for each Object Store domain. For example, if a domain has a bucket named FinancialData, another domain can also have a bucket named FinancialData.

Usage Notes

Review the following notes before you create buckets.

Creating buckets
Currently, you cannot use awscli, s3cmd, or SDK to create buckets in an account. You can only create buckets in an account that is not default account from the Object Store UI or the /opt/mapr/bin/mc command. After you create a bucket, you can perform all operations through any interface, including awscli, s3cmd, SDK, Object Store UI, and /opt/mapr/bin/mc. This behavior does not apply to the default account. If you have permissions and keys (accessKey/secretKey) to access the default account, you can create buckets in the default account through any interface.
Naming buckets
When you name a bucket, do not include mapr. as a prefix for the bucket name. For example, mapr.bucket1 is not supported.

Create a Bucket Using the CLI

Use the mc mb command to create a bucket.

Create a Bucket Using the Object Store Interface

To create a bucket, using the Object Store Interface:
  1. Login to the Object Store Interface as the administrator or as the root user.
  2. Click the bucket icon from the left pane.
  3. From the Buckets page, click Create Bucket
  4. In Bucket name, enter a DNS-compliant name for your bucket.

    The bucket name must:

    • Be unique across all of HPE Ezmeral Object Store.
    • Be between 3 and 63 characters long.
    • Not contain uppercase characters.
    • Start and end with a lowercase letter or number.
    After you create the bucket, you cannot change its name.
  5. Select the account to which the bucket belongs. By default, a bucket belongs to the default account.
  6. To enable locking of objects, turn on Object Lock.
    Turning on Object Locking automatically enables Versioning. After enabling Object Locking, you cannot disable it for a bucket.
  7. Specify the retention mode and retention period.
    • Governance mode - Users cannot overwrite or delete an object version or alter its lock settings unless they have special permissions. Users with the s3:BypassGovernanceRetention permission can alter the retention period and delete objects.
    • Compliance mode - The admin user cannot alter the retention period, nor delete the object until the retention period has lapsed.
  8. To use versioned buckets, enable Versioning. Versioning is selected by default if you turned Object Locking on.
  9. Enter a bucket policy or select the bucket policy JSON file.
  10. Add any tags as key-value pairs for the bucket. These tags are used to categorize storage.
  11. Specify the size of the objects to be considered as Tiny (Max Inline Object Size should be a maximum of 1 MB) and Small (Max Object Size in DB should be a maximum of 8 MB). Both tiny and small objects are stored in appropriate database tables. Specify the object chunk size to use when writing objects to disk.
  12. Click Create Bucket.