API for HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams C#/.NET

HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams C#/.NET Client is a binding for librdkafka and the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams C Client is a distribution of librdkafka that works with HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams.

Table 1. Supported Apache Kafka librdkafka versions
Core release EEP Release Kafka librdkafka version
As of HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric 6.0.1 As of 5.0 0.11.3


Classes Descripton
CommittedOffsets Encapsulates information provided to a Consumer's OnOffsetsCommitted event - per-partition offsets and success/error together with overall success/error of the commit operation.
Consumer Implements a high-level Apache Kafka consumer (without deserialization).
Consumer<TKey, TValue> Implements a high-level Apache Kafka consumer (with key and value deserialization).
Error Represents an error that occured when interacting with a Kafka broker or the librdkafka library.
ErrorCodeExtensions Provides extension methods on the ErrorCode enumeration.
GroupInfo Encapsulates information describing a particular Kafka group.
GroupMemberInfo Encapsulates information describing a particular member of a Kafka group.
Ignore A type for use in conjunction with that enables message keys or values to be read as null, regardless of their value.
KafkaException Represents an error that occured during an interaction with Kafka.

Methods that relate to the native librdkafka library itself (do not require a Producer or Consumer broker connection).

Loggers OnLog callback event handler implementations.

Encapsulates information provided to the Producer/Consumer OnLog event.

Message Represents a message stored in Kafka.
Message<TKey, TValue> Represents a (deserialized) message stored in Kafka.
Metadata Kafka cluster metadata.
Null A type for use in conjunction with and that enables null key or values to be enforced when producing or consuming messages.
PartitionMetadata Metadata pertaining to a single Kafka topic partition.
Producer Implements a high-level Apache Kafka producer (without serialization).
Producer<TKey, TValue> Implements a high-level Apache Kafka producer with key and value serialization.
TopicMetadata Metadata pertaining to a single Kafka topic.
TopicPartition Represents a Kafka (topic, partition) tuple.

Represents a Kafka (topic, partition, error) tuple.

TopicPartitionOffset Represents a Kafka (topic, partition, offset) tuple.

Represents a Kafka (topic, partition, offset, error) tuple.


Represents a Kafka (topic, partition, timestamp) tuple.

WatermarkOffsets Represents the low and high watermark offsets of a Kafka topic/partition.


Interface Description

This interface is implemented by types that handle delivery report callbacks as a result of calls to Producer.ProduceAsync().

IDeliveryHandler<TKey, TValue> This interface is implemented by types that handle delivery report callbacks as a result of calls to Producer<TKey,TValue>.ProduceAsync().
ISerializingProducer<TKey, TValue> This interface describes the minimum functionality to be provided by a high level (serializing) Kafka producer.


Struct Descripton

Represents a Kafka partition offset value.

Timestamp Encapsulates a Kafka timestamp and its type.


Enum Descripton
ErrorCode Enumeration of local and broker generated error codes.

Enumerates the different meanings of a message timestamp value.