Useful Troubleshooting Commands

The following Kubernetes commands can help you gather information about the resources used byData Fabric for Kubernetes:

  • kubectl describe <resourcetype> <resource> -n <namespace>
  • kubectl get <resourcetype> <resource> -n <namespace> -o yaml
  • kubectl logs <pod-name> -n <namespace>
  • journalctl -u kubelet -r (on the relevant node)

kubectl describe command

In this example, the kubectl describe command displays information about the mapr-kdfprovisioner-5dff68656-ln6vh Pod. Note that the kubectl describe output includes an event section.

kubectl describe pod mapr-kdfprovisioner-5dff68656-ln6vh -n mapr-system
Name:         mapr-kdfprovisioner-5dff68656-ln6vh
Namespace:    mapr-system
Node:         qa101-139/
Start Time:   Fri, 09 Feb 2018 12:58:36 -0800
Labels:       app=mapr-kdfprovisioner
Annotations:  openshift.ix/scc-maprkdf-scc
Status:       Running
 .             .
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Node-Selectors:  <none>
Tolerations:     <none>
  Type    Reason                Age    From              Message
  ----    -----                 ---     ----              ---------
  Normal  Scheduled             8m    default-scheduler  Successfully assigned mapr-kdfprovisioner-5dff68656-ln6vh to qa101-139
  Normal  SuccessfulMountVolume 8m    kubelet, qa101-139 MountVolume,SetUp succeeded for volume "logs"
  Normal  SuccessfulMountVolume 8m    kubelet, qa101-139 MountVolume,SetUp succeeded for volume "timezone"
  Normal  SuccessfulMountVolume 8m    kubelet, qa101-139 MountVolume,SetUp succeeded for volume "maprkdf-token-drqtt"
  Normal  Pulling               8m    kubelet, qa101-139 pulling image "maprtech/kdf-provisioner:"
  Normal  Pulled                8m    kubelet, qa101-139 Successfully pulled image "maprtech/kdf-provisioner:"
  Normal  Created               8m    kubelet, qa101-139 Created container
  Normal  Started               8m    kubelet, qa101-139 Started container

kubectl get command

In this example, the kubectl get returns the .yaml parameters for the test-secure-provisioner86 Pod:

kubectl get pods test-secure-provisioner86 -n mapr-examples -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  creationTimestamp: 2018-02-09T00:42:06Z
  name: test-secure-provisioner86
  namespace: mapr-examples
  resourceVersion: "721689"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/mapr-examples/pods/test-secure-provisioner86
  uid: 0dd21274-0d32-11e8-bdd6-84a9c4fbf7cb
  - args:
    - sleep
    - "1000000"
    image: busybox
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    name: busybox
    resources: {}
    terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
    terminationMessagePolicy: file
    - mountPath: /dynvolume
      name: maprfs-pvc
    - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
      name: default-token-zpv69
      readOnly: true
  dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
  restartPolicy: Never
  schedulerName: default-scheduler
  securityContext: {}
  serviceAccount: default
  serviceAccountName: default
  terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
  - effect: NoExecute
    operator: Exists
    tolerationSeconds: 300
  - effect: NoExecute
    operator: Exists
    tolerationSeconds: 300
  -name: maprfs-pvc

Running the kubectl get command without the -o yaml parameter generates less output:

kubectl get pods test-secure-provisioner86 -n mapr-examples
NAME                       READY    STATUS   RESTARTS   AGE
test-secure-provisioner86  1/1      Running  0          14m

kubectl logs command

In this example, the kubectl logs command returns logged output for the mapr-kdfprovisioner-5dff68656-ln6vh Pod:

kubectl logs mapr-kdfprovisioner-5dff68656-ln6vh -n mapr-system
I0209 12:58:39.956822    1 controller.go:407] Starting provisioner controller 013d58b3-0ddc-11e8-b0dd-0242acl10003!

journalctl -u command

In this example, the journalctl command returns events for the kubelet service for the node:

journalctl -u kubelet -r
-- Logs begin at Thu 2017-12-28 06:24:47 PST, end at Thu 2018-02-08 17:01:49 PST. --
Feb 08 17:01:49 k8s-master kubelet[26521]: E0206 17:01:49,047595  26521 dns.go:121] Search Line limits were exceeded, some search paths have been omitted, the applied search line
Feb 08 17:01:45 k8s-master kubelet[26521]: E0206 17:01:45,396253  26521 dns.go:180] CheckLimitsForResolvConf: Resolv,conf file '/etc/resolve.conf' contains search line consisting
Feb 08 17:01:15 k8s-master kubelet[26521]: E0206 17:01:15,396023  26521 dns.go:100] CheckLimitsForResolvConf: Resolv,conf file '/etc/resolve.conf' contains search line consisting
Feb 08 17:00:48 k8s-master kubelet[26521]: E0206 17:00:48,047555  26521 dns.go:121] Search Line limits were exceeded, some search paths have been omitted, the applied search line
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